While speaking at a senior citizens rally in Atlanta this week, Democratic U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia said, “even God gave us a choice” when it comes to abortion.

Fox News has reported that Warnock, the self-described pro-choice spiritual leader, spoke at the rally to express his approval of a woman’s right to decide for herself whether or not to terminate the life of her unborn child.

I have a profound reverence for life,” Warnock said. “And I also have a deep respect for choice.

At the same time, Warnock complained that the space in the patient’s room was “too small and cramped” for a woman, her physician, and the United States federal government.

Warnock elaborated, “So, I trust women in their wisdom to sit with their own doctor and if they choose, sit with their pastor, and pray about that and let their own conscience guide them. Even God gave us a choice.

The pro-life group, Susan B. Anthony’s Pro-Life America, was highly critical of Warnock for his extreme stance on abortion.

Senator Raphael Warnock fiercely opposes any limits whatsoever on abortion – including cruel late-term abortions up to the moment of birth and even infanticide,” Marjorie Dannenfelser, head of the organization, said in a statement. “Georgians are deeply disturbed by Warnock’s shameless push to strip human rights from the most vulnerable and defenseless among us, the unborn.

And pro-abortion Democrats like Warnock and Georgia candidate for governor Stacey Abrams, Dannenfelser said, will go to any lengths to promote abortion on demand nationwide.

By “shrouding their radical agenda in the guise of religion” or “pushing outright misinformation denying basic scientific facts,” as Dannenfelser put it, “extremists seek to discredit the scientific consensus that preborn children have beating hearts by 6 weeks and can experience pain at least by 15 weeks.

These Georgia politicians have joined the ranks of the many Democratic candidates across the country who have pushed for expanded access to abortion in the wake of the United States Supreme Court’s historic decision to overrule Roe v. Wade, which has resulted in more than 63 million abortions in the U.S since 1973, per the National Right to Life Educational Institute.

In a recently uncovered video, Abrams argued that at 6 weeks, babies in the womb’ heartbeats aren’t authentic but a “manufactured sound designed” to remove women’s liberties.

As expected, Abrams was met with widespread backlash from medical professionals and scientists, who dismissed her claim shortly after it was made public.

According to Dr. Tara Sander Lee, senior fellow, and director of life sciences at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, scientific evidence shows that a fetus at six weeks gestation is already a humanlike being.

An unborn baby’s heart begins beating at around week six, and by week 15, it will have beaten nearly 16 million times. The heart rate of a developing baby is easily detectable by ultrasound at around 98 beats per minute, as stated by Lee.

Susan B. Anthony America Pro-life and other pro-life groups have been vocal in their opposition to politicians who “refuse to name a single commonsense protection for unborn children and their mothers they would support.

When voters are informed about the Democrats’ pro-abortion extremism, they reject it,” Dannenfelser said.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.