It’s taken nearly his entire first term, but President Donald Trump has slowly but surely filled his top administration posts with honorable men and women who have chosen to serve the country, not the party they belong to.

One of the most recent new ‘hires’ is former U.S. Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas), a one-time federal prosecutor who doesn’t believe that enforcement of our laws should not depend on looking at situations through a political prism.

After being confirmed in May to replace acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, himself a patriot who managed to declassify a lot of ‘Spygate’ information that shocked Americans, Ratcliffe has been working to, among other things, tamp down security leaks.

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Only, the leaks aren’t all coming from one or more of the 17 intelligence agencies under his direction. Many, if not most, are coming from Democrat partisans who leak classified information from in-person briefings to favorite reporters in the media.

The last such ‘mass’ leak came at the end of July when DNI Ratcliffe gave a classified election security briefing to select lawmakers warning that Russia and China were working to undermine the November balloting.

But since Democrats have been continuously pushing the widely debunked tinfoil hat conspiracy that President Trump “colluded” with Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton, that part of the briefing got ‘special attention.’ 

In short, the much more serious information regarding China (which prefers a Joe Biden victory – go figure) was ignored in favor of info our intelligence agencies claim to have that indicates Moscow prefers a Trump victory – which could be due to the fact that President Trump has repeatedly expressed optimism about de-escalating with Russia and maybe even repairing the relationship since, you know, Russia has a whole bunch of nuclear weapons.

That reportedly infuriated not only the president but Ratcliffe, who announced over the weekend he was moving away from in-person briefings and providing only written updates instead ‘so as to avoid confusion.’

But that’s not all.

Congressional leaks of highly classified information have been a regular occurrence in the age of Trump, and Ratcliffe has had enough of it. In an interview with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo, the DNI said investigations into the leaking have been underway in part because he’s been making criminal referrals to the Justice Department – where Attorney General Bill Barr also takes those massive violations of the law very seriously.

“When I become aware of intelligence community information that is disclosed unlawfully, I do what’s called a crimes report. I’ve done that now on a number of occasions, and so those investigations are moving forward,” Ratcliffe said on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”

Ratcliffe said that the timing of any prosecutions from the investigations “would be something that the FBI would have to address.”

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“I think that they will down the road,” he added.

Earlier, Ratcliffe panned the leaking.

“We’ve had a pandemic of information being leaked out of the intelligence community, he said. “Within minutes of one of those briefings ending, a number of members of Congress went to a number of different outlets and leaked classified information for political purposes.”

It’s about time there were some prosecutions here and, more importantly, some convictions. 

It’s a pathetic shame when we have Congress members so partisan and so full of Trump hate they willingly risk the safety and security of our country just to one-up him or feed into a phony narrative.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.