During an interview with Fox and Friends, Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks unleashed on his Republican colleagues who are appearing to back down in their fight for President Trump.

“It is sad to the extent that we’ve got Republicans who are unwilling to do their homework or unwilling to make tough decisions,” Brooks said during the interview.

On Sunday, Brooks was called out by RINO Rep. Adam Kinzinger who tweeted, “Brother you’re a friend, but the only thing I’m surrendering to is the Constitution and the will of the people. I’m a fighter, and the Republic needs fighters to defend against descent into chaos. #RestoreOurGOP”

Brooks shot back during the interview with Fox and Friends, saying, “If he would do his homework he would understand that the evidence is overwhelming and he can either surrender to the people who support voter fraud elections or he can fight for his country on this particular issue.”

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WATCH Brooks’ epic rant below:

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Check out what the Washington Examiner reported:

At issue is the loss by President Trump and the claim by the president’s team, backed up by Brooks and several allies, that there was enough Democratic voter fraud in five states to challenge and throw out their electoral votes in the Jan. 6 House vote to confirm the Electoral College victory of Joe Biden.

While Biden bested Trump by 7 million votes, the president still won 74 million and has made the case that there was fraud in many states. His court challenges, however, have been brushed aside. His supporters have stuck with him, with a majority backing the president’s challenges.

Brooks has for weeks said he is not giving up his plan to junk the electoral votes of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada. He needs a Senate ally according to constitutional rules. The challenge has been used by Democrats in the past, the latest against former President George W. Bush’s election.

Brooks believes that the Electoral College vote can be rejected and the presidential election decided by the House. While Democrats control the House, the rules about the presidential election suggest to him that each state would get only one vote, and there are more delegations controlled by Republicans than Democrats.

In making his case, he cited a modern report about election issues, whose authors included former Democratic President Jimmy Carter, that warned against fraudulent elections.

“They identified the very same problems that we faced in this election that they warned us that this was going to happen,” he said.

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