Somali-American Rep. Ilhan Omar continues to demonstrate her hatred for a country that welcomed her and her family from the war-torn hell where she was born and raised. 

As readers likely know, riots and looting broke out in Minnesota following the death of 46-year-old George Flynn, who died after a police officer pinned his head and neck to the pavement and held him there for several minutes.

The officer and three others who were on the scene have been fired and the mayor, Jacob Frey, has called for charges to be filed.

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And while the mayor and others are calling for calm and an end to the senseless looting, some are throwing gasoline on the fires and instead egging on more destruction.

That would include Omar, a Minnesota Democrat, and her daughter.

In a series of tweets, Omar expressed outrage over the incident – itself an understandable reaction given what we know thus far about the incident. But she said the “anger was just,” and that’s not helpful.

“I am heartbroken. Horrified at the needless death of George Floyd, another innocent black man murdered by police in our community. Frustrated that we keep finding ourselves in this position as a city. Angry that justice still seems out of reach,” she wrote.

“Our anger is just. Our anger is warranted. And our priority right now must be protecting one another,” she added. 

She also said, “Violence only begets violence. More force is only going to lead to more lives lost and more devastation. We must prioritize the safety of our community. We can rebuild, but we cannot bring back lives. We should and must protest peacefully. But let us end the cycle of violence now.”

But clearly, those were mixed messages given that they were sent at the height of the violence and looting spreading through portions of Minneapolis.

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That said, Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, retweeted a list of supplies that were needed to “help out” “comrades” who were doing the looting and committing the acts of violence.


Images and video from the looting and violence filtered across social media.







According to various reports, for the several minutes he was being held down, Floyd attempted to inform officers that he was having difficulty breathing. 

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As for Omar, this is far from the first time she’s blasted America – or, at least, conservative, Trump-supporting America.

Writing at the New York Post, Seth Barron pointed out that Omar has frequently bashed her adoptive country despite the fact that the U.S. took her in and ‘rescued’ her and her family from a Kenyan refugee camp: 

What is surprising is the extent to which her narrative consists of complaints about the intolerance, racism, inequity, and filth that she found when she came to the United States, and since. Gratitude, for the country and the people who saved and welcomed her family, is largely absent from her telling.

“The current reality that people live in . . . an America where you can’t access the justice system equally because you are born with a different race, or a different gender, or are born into a different class, that isn’t the America that I heard about, that isn’t the America that I watched,” she told popular podcast Pod Save America in March 2019.

There’s no doubt that America has its problems. Of course, we do. But when compared to every other nation on the planet, Americans enjoy more freedoms, more liberty, and more opportunity. 

And certainly more than the vast majority of Somalians still living in their native country.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.