On Thursday, Israel announced that they were banning radical anti-Semitic congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from entering the country. The two women were planning on visiting Israel to promote their anti-Israeli BDS movement.

The decision from Israel came after Omar and Tlaib announced their BDS resolution which is not only anti-Israel, but also anti-Semitic. The resolution goes as far to compare Israel to Nazi Germany. The two congresswomen were planning on visiting Israel to boycott Israel while promoting their radical, pro-Palestine agenda.

Shortly after the decision by Israel was made President Donald Trump made sure to slam the radical congresswoman: “Israel was very respectful & nice to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, allowing her permission to visit her “grandmother.” As soon as she was granted permission, she grandstanded & loudly proclaimed she would not visit Israel. Could this possibly have been a setup? Israel acted appropriately!”

Should Rep. Omar Be Removed From Congress?

Israel was very respectful & nice to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, allowing her permission to visit her “grandmother.” As soon as she was granted permission, she grandstanded & loudly proclaimed she would not visit Israel. Could this possibly have been a setup? Israel acted appropriately!

He followed up with this hilarious tweet: “Rep. Tlaib wrote a letter to Israeli officials desperately wanting to visit her grandmother,” he continued. “Permission was quickly granted, whereupon Tlaib obnoxiously turned the approval down, a complete setup. The only real winner here is Tlaib’s grandmother. She doesn’t have to see her now!”

So what does Tlaib’s grandma think about this whole situation? Well according to Reuters, Muftia Tlaib has some harsh rhetoric just like her radical granddaughter Rashida Tlaib.

“Trump tells me I should be happy Rashida is not coming,” she allegedly said. “May God ruin him.”

Shortly after Israel made the decision to ban the radical congresswomen from entering the country, Tlaib reached out to Israel’s interior minister Aryeh Deri, pleading with him to let her into the country so she could visit her 90 year old grandmother.

According to a letter acquired by CNN, Tlaib promised she would not promote boycotts against Israel during her trip if she could see her grandmother.

“This could be my last opportunity to see her. I will respect any restrictions and will not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit,” she wrote.

Deri accepted Tlaib’s request which was later shot down by Tlaib herself.

“When I won, it gave the Palestinian people hope that someone will finally speak the truth about the inhumane conditions. I can’t allow the State of Israel to take away that light by humiliating me & use my love for my city to bow down to their oppressive & racist policies,” Tlaib tweeted, clearly trying to play the victim card.

“Silencing me & treating me like a criminal is not what she wants for me. It would kill a piece of me. I have decided that visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions stands against everything I believe in–fighting against racism, oppression & injustice,” she added.

Israel’s interior minister Aryeh Deri punched back: “Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib just tweeted that she will not visit Israel. Last night, she sent me a letter asking me to allow her to visit her grandmother, who is in her 90s, because ‘this might be my last opportunity to see her.’ I agreed to this humanitarian request, but it turns out that it was just a provocation aimed at embarrassing Israel.”

“Rep. Tlaib just tweeted that she won’t be coming to Israel,” he continued. “Just yesterday she sent me a letter, asking to visit her 90 year old grandmother saying, “it might be my last chance to meet her”. I approved her request as a gesture of goodwill on a humanitarian basis, but it was just a provocative request, aimed at bashing the State of Israel. Apparently her hate for Israel overcomes her love for her grandmother.”

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