Joe Biden hasn’t been president for two weeks yet and already it feels like our country has gone back in time to the bad old days of his former boss, Barack Obama, when American came last and its history, traditions, and institutions were under constant attack.

In great contrast with the Trump administration, whose officials felt honored to serve our great country and who wanted, for the most part, to ‘make America great’ once more, officials being brought on board the Biden administration by his handlers are all on board with the “America Sucks” mantra.

According to published reports, the Biden State Department’s new deputy spokesperson, Jalina Porter, once called police the “largest threat to U.S. national security” in a 2016 Facebook post.

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“An unarmed Black man takes a knee for justice, bigots riot,” she wrote in the post. “An unarmed black man (with his hands raised) takes a bullet and dies, these same bigots are silent. Explain this to me, please.”

“The largest threat to U.S. national security are U.S. cops. Not ISIS, not Russian hackers, not anyone or anything else,” said post according to the Washington Free Beacon. “If y’all don’t wake up and rise up to this truth, the genocide against Blacks in America will continue until we are near extinct. That’s not the world I seek to live in or create for myself and those around me.”

The Free Beacon added:

At the time of the post, Porter was working as a communications official for the Truman National Security Project, a left-leaning foreign policy think-tank that previously employed Hunter Biden. Porter is also a former dancer for the NFL’s Oakland Raiders and the NBA’s Washington Wizards.

The Daily Caller added that Porter’s public Facebook profile doesn’t display the post, which means either she limits who can see it via her privacy settings or she has since deleted it altogether.

But either way, it’s a disturbing reminder of the Democrat Party’s rising anti-police sentiment that really took off during the Obama administration.

Either way, now that she’s been busted, Porter is walking back her comments.

“Comments I made five years ago on my personal Facebook account as a private citizen were in response to the uncomfortable – and deeply painful – truth of race-based violence in America that has continued ever since,” Porter said in a statement on Tuesday, Fox News reported. “The pain I expressed was real. Nevertheless, I should’ve chosen words that were less passionate and spur-of-the moment, as well as more constructive.

“I, of course, know well that not all law enforcement officers pose a threat to our community. Today, I am proud to stand as the State Department’s first Black woman Deputy Spokesperson, a position that affords me an opportunity to be part of the ongoing conversation regarding nationwide equity and inclusion, as we work to enhance the power of America’s example overseas,” she continued.

Mind you, Porter’s comments come as the Democrat left increasingly loses its mind over things that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has said in the past about the QAnon conspiracy, voter fraud in the 2020 election, and liking a Facebook comment made by a user who wished for Nancy Pelosi’s death — all of which should be roundly condemned.

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But so should Porter’s comments, regardless of her emotional state at the time; claiming cops are a ‘national security threat’ is straight-up incitement of violence.

Gee — do you think Democrats will agree?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.