A new report from the Daily Wire has revealed that prosecutors have put a former top official with the Federal Bureau of Investigation who played an important part in the probe into former President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign due to alleged connections with Russia, under heavy scrutiny.

A grand jury that was put together last year subpoenaed at least one individual to retrieve information concerning former FBI Special Agent Charles McGonigal, who was tasked with running the counterintelligence division of the bureau field office located in New York City back in October of 2016.

Many folks have woken up to the weaponization of the FBI after the raid on Mar-a-Lago, but there have been quite a few conservatives who have been trying to shake folks out of their slumber to see that the FBI was completely corrupt from top to bottom and being used against the American people. These revelations coming out now only serve to prove those folks were right all along.

Here’s more from DW:

It is unknown whether the grand jury is still convened or whether it was investigating McGonigal or someone with whom he had dealings. The documents reviewed by Insider did not suggest McGonigal had broken any law.

The subpoena requested information on the former FBI official and the consulting firm Spectrum Risk Solutions. Soon after the subpoena was issued, former senior Soviet Foreign Ministry official Sergey Shestakov filed as a foreign agent for Yevgenyi Fokin, a top aid to Deripaska. Shestakov’s filing showed that McGonigal aided Shestakov in making connections between Fokin and Spectrum, and Fokin and the law firm Kobre & Kim.

“If McGonigal is mixed up in any way shape or form with Deripaska, that strikes me as unseemly, to put it politely,” Tim Weiner, who wrote “Enemies: A History of the FBI,” told Insider.

Prior to working as head of counterintelligence in New York, McGonigal served in the same position, but for the FBI Field Office in Washington, D.C. McGonigal was one of the first FBI officials to hear allegations that a Trump campaign official had told an Australian diplomat that the Russians had damaging information on then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The allegations were later believed to be about the WikiLeaks hack of the Democratic National Committee, which released emails from the Clinton campaign as well.

While McGonigal was stationed in D.C., the FBI started to get briefings from Christopher Steele, a former spy for Britain, concerning reports he was drafting that would soon become the fully discredited and infamous Steele Dossier. McGonigal played a key part in getting operation Crossfire Hurricane up and running, which was an investigation tasked with the mission of examining Trump’s alleged ties with Russia.

Then, on Oct. 4, 2016, the bureau made the announcement that then-Director James Comey was handing McGonigal a promotion to head up the counterintelligence division of the NYC field office.

“The investigation into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia hounded the former president for years into his term, eventually ending in a report by special counsel Robert Mueller concluding that investigators found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. An inspector general probe into surveillance applications made by the FBI during its investigation of the Trump campaign found that the applications contained ‘apparent errors or inadequately supported facts,’ with many due to the salacious and unsupported details contained in the Steele Dossier,” the report concluded.

The question I feel is on the hearts and minds of Americans all over the country is when are these people going to be held accountable for their actions? Is there any way to fix the FBI? Can we remove the corruption like a cancer and rebuild the bureau to function in its originally designed framework? Or is this institution beyond repair?

Do we even want to repair it?

All we know for sure is this agency is being used against us now. How do we stop this from happening?
