Montana Republican Sen. Steve Daines is sounding the alarm about President Joe Biden’s early executive orders, especially one that has already killed tens of thousands of jobs.

During an interview on Fox News, Daines said Biden killing the Keystone XL pipeline reveals his dirty secret: he’s putting “Saudi Arabia first,” not American workers.

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“It looks like he cares more about workers in Saudi Arabia than the workers in America,” Daines said on “America’s Newsroom.”

“This is going to have a direct effect [on] the pocketbooks of the American people here in the middle of a pandemic,” he added.

Biden signed a total of 17 executive orders within minutes of entering the Oval Office for the first time on Wednesday.

The orders reversed a number of Trump administration policies and covered areas Biden identified as his priorities on the campaign trail, including the coronavirus pandemic and climate change.

In addition to halting the Keystone XL oil pipeline project, Biden renewed the U.S. commitment to the Paris climate agreement, just three years after President Trump withdrew support.

“This is a major infrastructure project that President Biden killed six hours into his presidency,” Daines said. “It’s outrageous and it’s going to get worse.”

Daines is also worried about the Biden administration’s plans to put a pause on any new oil and gas leases on federal lands.

“It’s already beginning to be implemented,” he said. “We’re seeing it before our very eyes — it’s going to kill jobs. It’s going to raise energy prices.”

“Thank God that we’ve had this revolution in energy in America to reduce our dependency on the Middle East,” he said. “[Biden’s action] reverses that course and places the dependence back on the Middle East. That is terrible policy for our country.”

Daines said he believes these policies show Democrats are “no longer a friend” to the American worker.

“They are friends with the radical left, Green New Deal side of the party. This is a huge mistake,” he said.

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The Wall Street Journal editorial board published a scathing piece titled: “On first day, Biden offends Canada, kills thousands of jobs.”

“Killing Keystone won’t keep fossil fuels in the ground. It will merely strand billions of dollars in Canadian investment and kill thousands of U.S. jobs while enriching adversaries and alienating an ally. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has promised to “use all legal avenues available” to protect its Keystone investment if Mr. Biden killed the pipeline,” the report said.

“On day one Mr. Biden has already managed to kill high-paying, working-class jobs. Expect many more losses, since on Wednesday Mr. Biden also ordered executive agencies to review all Trump environmental policies, including auto and appliance emissions and land and species protections,” the report added.

It concluded: “Mr. Biden is sending an early signal that the climate panic will trump nearly everything else in his Administration. The unstated but operative message from the Keystone kill is that he will use regulation and permitting to do the dirty work.”
