While the vast majority of police officers in America are respected and supported by rational Americans on both sides of the aisle, what’s also clear is that increasingly, cops are being demonized – by the Left, as usual.

Anarchists, Marxists, and Democrats – who are pretty much all one in the same at this point in our history – are using the rare instances of bad behavior by a few officers to paint all cops as evil, racist bigots hell-bent on targeting minorities.

And this demonization is taking a toll, reaching officers and their supporters at their homes.

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Not cool by a long shot.

The Western Journal reported

The right to protest and to ask for redress of grievances is guaranteed by our Constitution. We’ve seen plenty of protesting the past few weeks, particularly aimed at police conduct. It ought to be respected and listened to — as well as pushed back upon by those with dissenting views.

There’s a problem when rhetoric turns toxic, however, and we’re seeing examples of it play out all over the country. In Gallatin County, Montana, law enforcement is looking into several disturbing cases of vandalism against the homes of police families, including the theft of “thin blue line” flags and vulgar, threatening messages being spray painted on homes.

A report by KTVQ-TV earlier this week noted that a homeowner who has family members in law enforcement said he woke up one recent morning and discovered that vandals had spray-painted “pig,” “ACAB” and “1312” on his garage door.

(‘ACAB’ = ‘All Cops are Bast**ds’ – ‘1-3-1-2’ = The numerical positions of ‘ACAB’ in the alphabet…how clever)

“It’s very disgraceful. We can’t protect our law enforcement,” a Belgrade, Mont., resident who asked not to be identified told the local news team.

“They should keep their distance away from my house,” the homeowner told KTVQ. “It’s just hard to know about many law enforcement is getting the same thing.”

The culprit in this instance, seen on video wearing a hoodie and a mask, flipped off the camera as he escaped.

“There’s no reason for it,” Gallatin County Sheriff Brian Gootkin told the station. “Like a safe protest from the last two weeks where people can go and vent their emotions and their concerns and do it peacefully, not spray paint somebody’s garage door or steal their flags. I mean it, what does that do?”

It terrorizes people, and that’s the point. It lets them know that they’re not safe.

Vandals also struck the home of a family of a deputy who was killed last year as he helped a stranded motorist. 

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“They’ve had their blue line flag stolen numerous times and then someone left a note at the residence,” Gootkin told KTVQ. “These family members are going through hell as it is and then you have something like this — that is so selfish and there is no reason for it. That’s frustrating.”

Vandals also defaced property and tore down a flag symbolizing police and firefighters in Bethlehem, Pa., earlier this month, Lehigh Valley Live reported. ‘ACAB’ was also reportedly spray-painted on property in that incident as well.

Americans need to step up and help protect and defend our police officers. We need that thin blue line in order to keep the barbarians away from the gates. Because without cops, that’s not going to be possible.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.