With it looking like Democrats will successfully steal a number of states for Joe Biden, Revolver News is boldly calling on Republican-controlled legislatures to step up and do their constitutional duty and save our republic.

Under Article II of the U.S. Constitution, state legislatures decide on the electors to send to the Electoral College, which meets to cast ballots for the president next month. Now, while states already have laws in place denoting how presidential electors are assigned – usually to the candidate with the highest popular vote count – this is obviously an exceptional year.

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If it is proven that Democrats in these states cheated by padding vote tallies illegally for Biden – and courts refuse to get involved on behalf of President Donald Trump’s campaign – then these GOP-controlled legislatures will have no choice but to act on their own to secure his reelection victory.

Revolver News states firmly:

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.

The outlet then explains why:

By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.

And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.

“This is a disgrace and an embarrassment, of course. But more importantly, it’s an outcome that nobody can trust,” the outlet continued.

“If this continues, and the courts enable it rather than stopping it, then conservatives have only one option for preserving the legitimacy of the election and of the U.S. system of government: They must demand that the legislatures in disputed states step in to appoint their own slate of electors. The legislatures indisputably possess the power to do this.”

But – what about the fact that legislatures have already passed laws denoting how electors will be selected (by popular vote)?

Well, there’s precedence for getting around that, and it’s recent. It comes from the 2000 election.

Then, Democrat Al Gore’s legal team threatened to flip Florida, upon which the election hinged, with continual recounts in deep-blue counties with the specific objective of ‘finding’ more votes. But the GOP legislature at the time stepped in and said they would appoint electors on their own as long as the results were in dispute…and they had the authority to do that under the Constitution.

The endless recounts…ended.

The Los Angeles Times reported then:

In legal papers filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, the Legislature asserted broad authority to allocate Florida’s electoral votes even if the state courts order further recounts of presidential ballots that could give the lead to Democrat Al Gore. …

In a sweeping assertion of authority, the Legislature argues that the “Legislature itself, and not the courts,” can determine when the state has failed to make a “timely” choice of its electors. …

And, trying to preempt further challenges, the Legislature asserts in the brief that Congress has no right to object to any slate of electors it might appoint, presumably even if the recounts produce a competing slate of electors for Gore: “Congress has a constitutional obligation to count the votes of any elector who was indisputably appointed by the Legislature,” it argues.

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Earlier Supreme Court cases established a state legislature’s undisputed constitutional right to name its electors during disputes over results. 

And it’s looking like GOP state legislatures may have to step up this time in order to push back against Democratic chicanery. 

Will they?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.