Despite assurances that he would govern as a moderate if he ended up in the White House, Joe Biden has proceeded to issue a series of radical left executive orders ever since he became the nation’s 46th president.

Many union workers who voted for Biden quickly developed a case of buyer’s remorse when he killed thousands of jobs with the stroke of his pen by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and subsequently suspending oil and gas drilling leases.

Those who were tricked by Biden’s media mouthpieces failed to understand just how much that his policies would be influenced by the backers of the Green New Deal. This includes wealthy celebrities.

Now, many of those jet-setting elitist celebs have made it clear to Joe that it isn’t enough to just nuke Keystone XL, they are calling for him to kill thousands of more jobs by also ending the Dakota Access pipeline.

Several Hollywood celebs led by Academy Award-winning A-listers Leonardo DiCaprio and Joaquin Phoenix wrote a letter to Biden and Kamala Harris imploring them to shut down the pipeline in the name of climate justice.

“As your administration takes action to address the climate crisis and strengthen relationships with Indigenous communities, we respectfully urge you to reverse another harmful Trump administration decision and immediately shut down the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) during its court-ordered environmental review,” the letter states.

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Via The Guardian, “Celebrities call on Biden and Harris to shut down Dakota Access pipeline”:

“Actors, musicians and athletes including Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr, Don Cheadle, Cher, Cyndi Lauper, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, Aaron Rodgers, Jane Fonda, Joaquin Phoenix and Orlando Bloom are calling on the White House to close down the oil pipeline which poses serious environmental risks to tribal lands, water and wildlife, as well as indigenous cultural and religious practices.

The letter comes on the eve of a key court hearing which could lead to DAPL’s oil operations being suspended while the US army corps of engineers conducts a robust environmental impact review ordered by the court last year.

The president also faces pressure from a group of Lakota Native American youth who are today taking part in a 93-mile relay run across the Standing Rock Sioux Nation to the Cannonball River, the site of the #NoDAPL resistance camps in 2016.

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The signers of the letter also include Cher, NFL MVP quarterback Aaron Rodgers, notorious anti-Semite Linda Sarsour, Jimmy Kimmel’s ex-girlfriend Sarah Silverman and “Hanoi” Jane Fonda.

In addition to the economic damage to North and South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois, experts are warning that shutting down the DAPL will lead to a spike in food prices across the country.

It is unknown what impact the letter will have on Biden and his handlers, but it could be hard to resist the combined might of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Hulk, and the Joker.
