Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel addressed her party’s convention on its opening night — and she delivered a bold message that all Americans should see.

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McDaniel almost immediately went after Democrats and poked fun and Democratic nominee Joe Biden for picking his vice presidential candidate on the basis of gender. 

“Democrats started their convention last week with Eva Longoria, a famous Hollywood actress who played a housewife on TV,” McDaniel said.

“Well, I’m actually a real housewife and a mom from Michigan with two wonderful kids in public school who happens to be only the second woman in 164 years to run the Republican Party. And unlike Joe Biden, President Trump didn’t choose me because I’m a woman – he chose me because I was the best person for the job,” she added.

McDaniel continued to unload on Democrats and their newly-minted presidential nominee, telling viewers that they “deserve to know” about Democrats’ embrace of radical policies.


If you watched the DNC last week, you probably noticed that Democrats spent a lot of time talking about how much they despise our president, but we heard very little about what they actually plan to do.

Maybe it was an oversight, but more likely it’s because they don’t want you to know just how radical their policies really are.

Four years ago President Trump started a movement unlike any other, and over the next four days we will hear from a few of the millions of hardworking, everyday Americans who have benefited from his leadership.

“You deserve to know about their plans to raise taxes on 82% of Americans, even as we are coming out of a global pandemic. You deserve to know that they would ban fracking and eliminate fossil fuels, which would kill millions of good-paying jobs and raise the cost of driving our cars and heating our homes,” McDaniel said.

“You deserve to know that they want a complete government takeover of our healthcare system, so moms like me won’t be able to take our kids to the same pediatrician they’ve been seeing for years,” McDaniel said. 

She added: “You deserve to know that they believe people who come to our country illegally should receive the same benefits as American citizens. And you deserve to know they want to defund law enforcement, even as we see crime spike two, three, and even fourfold in our major cities.”

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“And you deserve to know they want to defund law enforcement, even as we see crime spike two, three, and even fourfold in our major cities. At stake in this election is far more than two competing governing philosophies – two very different visions are being presented for our future,” she said.

McDaniel finished with a bold line to remember: “Democrats have chosen to go down the road to socialism.”
