If there is a better case of poetic justice involving a left-wing hack mayor and her police department in this ‘throw cops under the bus if they do their jobs’ era, we can’t think of one.

You may recall earlier this month rioting that occurred in Rochester, N.Y., over the death of Daniel Prude, a black man, while in police custody back in March.

According to reports, police placed an anti-spit hood over Prude’s head, per coronavirus protocol, after encountering him naked and high on PCP in the street in the middle of a cold, rainy night. He eventually lost consciousness and was taken off of life support a week later.

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It was all done by the book and per department protocol, but of course, when we’re dealing with the anti-cop left and the death involved a black man, none of that matters.

In the end, Police Chief La’Ron Singletary resigned along with Rochester Police Department Dep. Chief Joseph Morabito and Dep. Chief Mark Simmons.

And the mayor, Lovely Warren, suspended seven officers involved in the arrest despite having followed protocols, suggesting without merit that they were racist in their actions.

Now, it appears, karma has shown up big time. WBFO reports:

Mayor Lovely Warren and two of her political associates, including the finance director for the city of Rochester, have been indicted on felony charges connected to campaign finance violations alleged to have occurred during Warren’s 2017 re-election run, the Monroe County District Attorney’s Office made public on Friday.

The three of them face two charges, including illegal coordination between political committees for the purpose of evading donor limits and participating in a scheme to defraud in the first degree.

The associates indicted with Warren include Albert Jones Jr., who was Warren’s campaign treasurer, and Rosalind Brooks, who was the treasurer of a political action committee created by Warren called Warren for a Strong Rochester. Brooks, who also goes by Rosalind Brooks-Harris, is the city’s finance director.

As for Warren’s administration, “a 325-page dossier compiled by her deputy mayor, James Smith, ostensibly to bolster the mayor’s justification for her actions and to insulate her from criticism, laid out in detail how the highest levels of the Rochester Police Department worked to massage the circumstances of Prude death and keep word of it from getting out,” WBFO reports.

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Singletary pushed back against that, which is what led him and two of his top deputies to walk.

“As a man of integrity, I will not sit idly by while outside entities attempt to destroy my character,” Singletary said in a statement.

“The members of the Rochester Police Department and the Greater Rochester Community know my reputation and know what I stand for,” Singletary, 40, said in his resignation letter. “The mischaracterization and the politicization of the actions that I took after being informed of Mr. Prude’s death is not based on facts, and is not what I stand for.”

Sometimes these things just have a way of working out, chief.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.