Despite the 2024 presidential election being over three years away, Republican voters are already planning on who will take the Republican ticket considering there will be a strong chance to take back the White House.

The two front runners who seem to keep coming up are former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

During an event at the Republican Committee of Allegheny County’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner, DeSantis dropped a hint for his future in politics to the 750 GOP members in attendance.

“I can tell you this: In the state of Florida, with me as governor, I have only begun to fight,” DeSantis said as the crowd erupted.

Check out what the Daily Wire reported:

Earlier in the event, a local pastor prayed over the meal and noted that DeSantis would make a great next president of the United States. The crowd loudly agreed.

During his speech, DeSantis highlighted his battles against corporations and progressive activists and politicians. The governor touted new legislation addressing big tech censorship and promoted his support for the police and education free of critical race theory courses.

DeSantis also touted Florida’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Florida had one of the lightest responses to the pandemic while prioritizing the protection of those most vulnerable to the disease.

“All I can say to any state that has not followed suit: Open your state, open your schools, end these mask mandates, let people live and thrive,” DeSantis said. “When it came right down to it, we chose freedom over Fauci-ism.”

DeSantis beat Democrat Andrew Gillum in 2018 by about 33,000 votes to become governor of Florida. Despite the thin margin, DeSantis has gained significant support from Floridians for his pandemic response and other initiatives. A May poll from the Florida Chamber of Commerce showed that DeSantis has a strong base of support among registered voters with 55% approving of his leadership and 40% disapproving.

So who do you have in 2024? President Trump? Governor DeSantis? Or how about both on the same ticket?
