Despite endless negative stories from the mainstream media, there still are many good people in the world.

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On Wednesday, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh — who recently revealed he had “advanced” lung cancer — got a call from a supporter who said he would donate his own lung to help the long-time conservative stalwart.

“That is mind-boggling,” Limbaugh, 69, said Wednesday on his show after his producer told him a caller offered to give him a lung.

The host said his producer, James “Bo Snerdley” Golden, told him he was being offered two lungs per day since his announcement a week ago that he has advanced lung cancer.

“Well, you all just continue to stop me dead in my tracks. I continue to get emails and flowers and cards. I mean, it’s voluminous. And it is so touching,” Limbaugh said.

“I mean, people recounting experiences they had 30 years ago, 25 years ago, and this is why I said last Friday, last week, how lucky I am, and people have trouble understanding that. But believe me, everything that’s happened to me is a blessing. And I hear things like that, and I don’t know what to do with it,” he added.


Limbaugh couldn’t believe the donation offer, just saying “wow” a few times before thanking him.

Rush was clearly emotional and taken back that so many people would literally offer him their lungs to help him in his fight against cancer.

On his show earlier this week, Limbaugh spoke about President Trump awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the State of the Union last week.

Limbaugh also explained the logistics of traveling from Palm Beach, Fla. to Washington, D.C. on the same day he was invited.

Here’s what Rush said about Trump calling him last Tuesday:

At 9 a.m., the phone rings. I’ve got the number in my address book. So it’s the White House. I answered the phone, and they said, “Can you hold for President Trump?”

I said, “Yes.”

“Rush! Rush! How you doing, buddy? Great to hear from you! Hey, look, what are you doing later today?”

I said, “Well, I have a serious medical procedure that’s gonna start — all this — at 5 o’clock.”

“Well, look, what’s the doctor’s name? I want to call him and have him delay it for a couple days ’cause I need you down here tonight.”

I said (chuckles), “Uh… (chuckles) Mr. President, um… I’m stunned.”

He said, “Look, your health comes first; there’s no question. But can’t they just do half of what they’re gonna do and then send you down here? Believe me, you don’t want to miss this. It’s gonna be great. It’s gonna be great. You don’t want to miss this.”

Well, I don’t know what’s up. He told me he wanted me to be his guest at the State of the Union, that he was gonna mention my name, recognize me. I hung up the phone and for the next hour and a half, I agonized — I literally agonized — over what to do. Kathryn and I are both sitting in the hotel room. As time is marching on, we’re faced with the possibility of having to ask an entire medical team to broom their schedule and reschedule to accommodate this.

Rush made it all work, showed up to the SOTU, and Trump surpr

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How’s that for an incredible story?
