Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders briefly came out of retirement on Wednesday to perfectly summarize former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s hearing before Congress. 

In a series of tweets, Sanders laid into Mueller’s lackluster hearing and argued that it could not have gone better for President Donald Trump. 

“Didn’t take long for Mueller to once again vindicate President @realDonaldTrump,” Sanders tweeted Wednesday, responding to a video of Mueller failing to recall another instance in which the Justice Department said a person was not exonerated because their innocence couldn’t be conclusively determined. 

“No collusion. No obstruction. And now Mueller all but admits it was all along a total witch hunt,” Sanders wrote. 

She was far from done.

In another tweet, she noted that Mueller’s two-year witch hunt was centered on trying to “destroy” the president.

“What’s been clear to all but the liberal media is this was a partisan investigation run by Democrats out to destroy @realDonaldTrump with Mueller as the figurehead,” Sanders wrote. “Thank you House Democrats for calling today’s hearing and exposing the truth for all Americans to see.”

What’s been clear to all but the liberal media is this was a partisan investigation run by Democrats out to destroy @realDonaldTrump with Mueller as the figurehead. Thank you House Democrats for calling today’s hearing and exposing the truth for all Americans to see

Later, she referred to the Mueller probe as a “dark chapter in our nation’s history.”

“But in the end,” she added, Trump “triumphed over the anti-democratic forces seeking to frame him, overturn the results of the 2016 election, and deny the will of the American people.” 

In a follow-up tweet on Thursday morning, Sanders noted that she “almost feel[s] sorry for the Democrats.”

“Maybe Dems should just quit lying and do their jobs,” Sanders concluded. 

Mueller’s testimony was nothing short of a total disaster for Democrats.

The ex-special counsel also made a few bombshell admissions that further proved President Trump did not collude or obstruct justice. 

During one exchange, Georgia Republican Rep. Doug Collins caught Mueller contradicting his own report

Collins exposed Mueller for saying one thing in public, but another in his own Russia report. 

Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh also called out Mueller for telling a lie about Attorney General William Barr. 

Mueller told Barr three times that the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) precedent, which states that a sitting president cannot be indicted, had no impact on his decision to indict Trump. 

But when he testified on Wednesday, Mueller tried his best not to admit that. 

It seemed as if Mueller was afraid to admit that he never found evidence to indict Trump, but Limbaugh called him out.
