House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is leading the Democrats impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, and he’s done a great job of proving the president didn’t do anything wrong.

But in recent weeks, we’ve also learned that Schiff’s team has very troubling ties to the alleged “whistleblower” who filed a complaint in August against Trump over his July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president.

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Schiff failed to fully disclose his staff’s contact with the “whistleblower” who helped spark that inquiry.

And now, a new report from Breitbart reveals Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee has at least two staffers with ties to a think tank partially funded by Burisma Holdings — the corrupt Urkraine energy company that paid an obscene amount of money to Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, while Biden was was the vice president and serving as the Obama administration’s point man for Ukraine policy.

Breitbart reports that Schiff aides Abigail Grace and Sean Misko previously served on the National Security Council (NSC) alongside Eric Ciaramella, and both worked at the White House at the same time he did.

Ciaramella is widely believed to be the CIA official who filed a complaint in August regarding Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky back in July.

Misko and Ciaramella appear to have a close friendship.

Misko signed on with the Democrat-run panel in August, about the time the “whistleblower” filed a complaint over Trump’s Ukraine call.

According to Breitbart, Misko in 2015 was a “millennium fellow” for the Atlantic Council, a think tank partially funded by Burisma Holdings, which has become infamous for its connection to Hunter Biden.

Burisma paid Hunter Biden a $50,000 per month salary to serve on its board from April 2014 to April 2019.

Misko is the second Intelligence Committee staffer to have ties to the Atlantic Council, according to Breitbart. 

Thomas Eager, another member of the Intelligence Committee staff, is currently a fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Congressional Fellowship, a program that “educates staff on current events in the Eurasia region.”

In October, Breitbart reported that Eager was part of an Atlantic Council trip to Ukraine in August that included a meeting with acting Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, who in November was a key witness in Schiff’s impeachment hearings.

That trip took place 10 days after the “whistleblower” complaint was filed, Breitbart reported.

Reports also suggest that Misko and Ciaramella “had similarly antagonistic attitudes toward the Trump administration and were witnessed by a former National Security Council official, like Ciaramella, a nonpolitical appointee, to frequently be around one another.” 

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Schiff has finally admitted that his staff had contact with Ciaramella before and after he filed the complaint in August.

And now we have learned that two of Schiff’s committee staffers have close ties to the same corrupt Ukraine gas company that the Biden’s were involved with for years.
