Far-left Representative Adam Schiff is refusing GOP requests to have the whistleblower who sparked the entire impeachment inquiry into President Trump, testify in front of congress even though the 6th amendment requires him to do so.

The Constitution states, ““in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right… to be confronted with the witnesses against him.”

Although he previously promised that the whistleblower would publicly testify, Schiff is now backtracking, refusing GOP requests while saying that the whistleblower’s testimony is not needed because it would be “redundant and unnecessary.”

“The committee … will not facilitate efforts by President Trump and his allies in Congress to threaten, intimidate and retaliate against the whistleblower who courageously raised the initial alarm,” Schiff wrote in a letter to Republican Representative Devin Nunes. “… The whistleblower has a right under laws championed by this committee to remain anonymous and to be protected from harm.”

It’s pretty appalling that Schiff would refuse such a request considering this person is responsible for starting an impeachment process for the President of the United States.

Although this testimony is clearly extremely important, Schiff argues that it is not neccessary.

“The impeachment inquiry, moreover, has gathered an ever-growing body of evidence — from witnesses and documents, including the president’s own words in his July 25 call record — that not only confirms but far exceeds the initial information in the whistleblower’s complaint…” Schiff said. “In light of the president’s threats, the individual’s appearance before us would only place their personal safety at grave risk.”

Schiff then blabbers on to say that the House Intelligence Committee “will not serve as vehicles” for the “sham investigations into the Bidens or debunked conspiracies about 2016 U.S. election interference that President Trump pressed Ukraine to conduct for his personal political benefit.”

Republican Rep. Devin Nunes shot back.

“Because President Trump should be afforded an opportunity to confront his accusers, the anonymous whistleblower should testify,” Nunes wrote in letter of his own on Saturday. “Moreover, given the multiple discrepancies between the whistleblower’s complaint and the closed-door testimony of the witnesses, it is imperative that the American people hear definitively how the whistleblower developed his or her information, and who else the whistleblower may have fed the information he or she gathered and how that treatment of classified information may have led to the false narrative being perpetrated by the Democrats during this process.”

Check out what the Daily Wire reported:

The committee chairman has long sought control of who Republicans will be allowed to call. Earlier this month, in an appearance on “CBS Evening News,” Norah O’Donnell asked Schiff, “Republicans say they’re concerned that the Democrats will block the witnesses that they want to hear from. Can you assure them that you won’t reject those witnesses?”

“Well, we’ve asked them for proffer of which witnesses they think are relevant, and I have to say, we have concerns that they’re going to propose a bunch of witnesses that have no bearing, that they can use merely to smear the president’s opponents or for other improper purposes,” Schiff said.

“It’s important to note that, to the contrary of what they have been saying, in both Clinton and the Nixon impeachments, the minority did not have the right to call witnesses on their own unilaterally. They could call for a vote, but it was a majority vote, that they were not assured of winning. So, we would love to hear who they’re interested in having come before the committee.

“But given the kind of circus-like tactics, the storming of the SCIF and all the stunts the president puts them up to, we can’t surrender the process to the minority party,” Schiff said, referring to last week when Republicans descended on a “Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility” used for viewing secure documents and interviewing key witnesses.

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