Investigative journalist and author Peter Schweizer, who has been on the trail of the corrupt Biden family for years now, says all Americans should be concerned about the level of foreign influence that will direct foreign (and domestic) policy once the former vice president takes over.

In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Schweizer told host Sean Hannity that Hunter Biden’s emails make it perfectly clear “he’s also paying a lot of the family’s bills, including his father’s and his mother’s, with these foreign gains,” thus making “this…an issue of enrichment involving Joe Biden himself.”

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“[N]ow, with the laptop, with the emails, that includes emails from Hunter Biden’s business partners…but also Hunter Biden’s emails themselves, we realize how the Biden family actually operates in this commercial space,” Schweizer added.

“And what I mean, Sean, is that it’s pretty clear, in Hunter’s own words in some of these emails, that he is receiving this money from overseas, but he’s also paying a lot of the family’s bills, including his father’s and his mother’s, with these foreign gains, these foreign funds,” he continued. 

“So, the point is, this is not just about Hunter Biden getting wealthy, and it’s not just a question of the intelligence and the national security threat, this is an issue of enrichment involving Joe Biden himself.”

Recall that the New York Post originally reported on these bombshell allegations in the weeks before the election — only to see its Twitter account locked for days and see the story literally suppressed and censored on social media:

In late October, just days before the election, the Post reported on the contents of one of Hunter Biden’s laptops that contained an email indicating that one business deal involving a Chinese company would have provided what appears to be a kickback to Joe Biden:

One email sent to Biden on May 13, 2017, with the subject line “Expectations,” included details of “remuneration packages” for six people involved in an unspecified business venture.

Biden was identified as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” an apparent reference to the former Shanghai-based conglomerate CEFC China Energy Co.

His pay was pegged at “850” and the email also noted that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.”

In addition, the email outlined a “provisional agreement” under which 80 percent of the “equity,” or shares in the new company, would be split equally among four people whose initials correspond to the sender and three recipients, with “H” apparently referring to Biden.

The deal also listed “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Neither Jim nor the “big guy” was identified further.

Former Biden family business partner Tony Bobulinski would later identify Joe Biden as being “the big guy.” 

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He also said that Joe Biden was lying when he said multiple times before he knew nothing of his son’s business dealings with foreign governments.

“I have heard Joe Biden say he has never discussed his dealings with Hunter. That is false. I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden,” he said in October.

The former VP is going to likely become the most foreign-compromised man we’ve ever put in the Oval Office.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.