The Left has won the so-called “culture war,” as podcaster Jesse Kelly noted in a column at American Consequences this week.

Think about it; he’s right. Leftists own the media. They own social media. They own the entertainment industry, education/academia, and even corporate boardrooms.

After a hundred years of infiltrating every fabric of American pop culture, there are ‘no more worlds’ for them to conquer, with the exception of the political world. There, they are still being challenged by conservatives and America-first loyalists, but they are hanging by a thread and are under constant, relentless assault by Mao and Stalin acolytes who hate Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Reagan as they hate Donald Trump.

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And as long as the political world is still up for grabs, the Leftists won’t stop until they own it, too. Once that happens, it literally is game over for we America-firsters.

So, why are we simply passively allowing the complete transformation to happen? It’s a question Seattle talk show host Jason Rantz is asking as well.

In commenting on the continual riots in his city and others like Portland – violence that is cleverly disguised as ‘peaceful demonstrations’ by the mainstream media propagandists – Rantz said the time for taking a proactive approach against the agents of chaos is overdue.

“This is nothing to do with George Floyd,” Rantz told “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “This has everything to do with a devious ideology that’s pushing Marxism and socialism. 

“And the only way that they can get that is to break down the current systems of governance, of capitalism, of policing, and rebuild. If they want to rebuild, they believe they have to get violent and if not violent, they have to give the threat of violence to stop people from actually speaking up,” he continued.

He encouraged the “silent majority” to stand up and “start pushing back” against the rioters and the local [Democratic] leaders who enable them.

“Too often all across the country, whether in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, you’ve got a lot of people sitting back and saying, ‘You know what, we’re the silent majority. We aren’t going to fight back.’ I’m sorry,'” he said. 

“It’s unacceptable to remain the silent majority. We need to stand up and be the vocal majority and we need to start pushing back. It is unacceptable that we are allowing this kind of lawlessness take over American cities and kudos to the Trump administration for sending in the federal law enforcement officials in Portland.”

“It’s how you lose elections on a local level, staying silent. Right now all of these protesters, they are not silent, are they? They are organizing,” he added. 

“They are out there recruiting members to their cause and meanwhile, we are saying ‘maybe I’ll send out an angry tweet.’ It’s got to be more than that,” Rantz concluded. 

“We need to get organized.”

He’s right, of course. 

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Kelly agrees, and what’s more, he’s got a strategy to push back:

The reason you feel so helpless is you are trying to swim against the tide. Stop that. Swim WITH the tide.

If the Leftists tear down Confederate statues because of their ties to racism, you push to tear down their universities because of THEIR ties to racism.

Do not waste your fighting against this modern social justice warrior insanity. Distasteful as it may be, you need to embrace it. This is our way forward. This is our only option now. Feed them heaping helpings of their own medicine until a truce is called.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.