It’s nice to have some good news once in a while, isn’t it? All we see in the media are hit pieces, negativity, skewed political opinions and so-called journalists with agendas. Lots of fun, no? The poisoning of the mainstream media has led many people, particularly moderates and conservatives to abandon mainstream news and entertainment sources. Primarily because their content is so heavily biased and the well has been so thoroughly poisoned that you simply can’t trust them to be giving you the full story.

Late night television has also gone the way of the dinosaur in recent years. Stale, recycled guests, cheap, easy political humor, mostly slanted from one side, and bland, uninteresting hosts have all but murdered late night. Then there’s Trevor Noah.

Trevor Noah, of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show has set the bar for late night comedy. Not set it high, rather set it to an impossibly low standard. Noah and his boring, predictable snark haven’t played well with American television audiences, as evidenced by the 200k viewers The Daily Show averages. If Johnny Carson had ever had only 200k viewers, he would’ve punched Ed McMahon in the face and whipped Doc Severinsen with his belt. Johnny wasn’t playing. Sadly, failing is good enough for late night television, which is a failing medium in and of itself.

This week, a glimmer of hope shined on the late-night world. Trevor Noah announced that he is leaving The Daily Show!

Noah revealed his plans to leave the show during a taping of the program on Thursday. The network confirmed the news in a statement shortly after:

“We are grateful to Trevor for our amazing partnership over the past seven years. With no timetable for his departure, we’re working together on the next steps.

It must be an amazing feeling to cash checks for doing a terrible job year over year. Noah and his condescending British sense of humor has never played well with America, particularly when talking about American politics. He has beaten the dead horse of the Trump administration until it couldn’t be beaten any more. Now that the only choice left is to turn on his buddy Joe Biden, it seems Noah has decided to move on rather than actually try to be funny.

“As we look ahead, we’re excited for the next chapter in the 25+ year history of ‘The Daily Show’ as it continues to redefine culture through sharp and hilarious social commentary, helping audiences make sense of the world around them.”

The previous quote is the funniest thing to come from The Daily Show in its 25-year history. To be so arrogant as to think they have redefined culture via a lowly rated basic cable show is hubris of the highest order.

The alleged sharp and hilarious social commentary has done more to pervert the views of the few who watch it as opposed to making sense. The Daily Show has been a leftist indoctrination experiment since the days of John Stewart. The difference with Stewart was he was actually funny and likeable, unlike the smug Noah.

The only potential downside is Comedy Central bringing in someone worse. Who would actually WANT the job remains to be seen. I can’t imagine anyone of note would want to take a job on basic cable averaging 200 thousand viewers when they could live stream themselves to a wider audience. So that likely leaves us with an unknown comic or commentator taking the job. Considering it’s 2022, it will probably be a trans person of color that identifies with their pronouns. Good times for us all. But let’s not ruin the celebration just yet. Let’s just rejoice in what “could be” as Noah sails back into obscurity.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.