In other news not related to Leftist mobs destroying our culture and burning our cities over the myth of ‘systemic racism’ within police departments, a Senate panel moved closer on Thursday to learning more about the coup attempt against President Donald Trump.

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According to The Daily Caller, the Senate Judiciary Committee, headed by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), voted along party lines to issue several more subpoenas to witnesses the panel wants to hear from regarding the origins of the “Russiagate” investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign.

The news site notes:

Graham released a list on May 19 of 53 potential witnesses he hopes to interview. The subpoenas also seek documents from the potential witnesses.

Several well-known former officials are included on the witness list, including former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

The South Carolina Republican is investigating the Obama administration’s so-called unmasking of former national security adviser Michael Flynn in intelligence reports during the presidential transition period. He is also investigating the findings of the Justice Department inspector general’s (IG) report that found that the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to wiretap Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide.

Prior to last month, when he issued his first subpoena in this investigation to former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Graham had repeatedly pledged over the course of a year to launch an investigation into the Russiagate scandal, but never delivered, leaving conservatives wondering if he was just paying us lip service.

Obviously, that’s not the case. Now, in saying that, it’s not at all clear that he’s going to actually find out any useful information during open hearings. Rosenstein pretty much gave the excuse that his dog ate his homework during his testimony; that is, he doesn’t know anything and did not know anything about the sham nature of the probe because, gosh, he was just certain everyone was being on the up and up with him.

And what is clear is that Obama’s former political appointees aren’t going to spill the beans on him or anyone else in the know about what really happened.

Still, there are things we do know, and that’s good, but most of the things we discovered via congressional oversight came from the House while Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) was still chairman of the Intelligence Committee. After Democrat Adam Schiff took it over, the panel’s gone partisan and silent.

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So, if we’re really not going to learn anything new from the Graham hearings, what’s the point? Well, remember that a) people who testify are doing so under oath; and b) U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation of the Russiagate origins is ongoing, meaning the Senate can certainly provide him with additional evidence.

And if somebody ‘fibs’ during testimony, that will certainly add additional charges to any Durham may already be planning to bring, since his is a criminal probe and not simply ‘oversight.’

Plus, there will be some satisfaction among conservatives to finally see Obama ‘Spygate’ figures on the hot seat for a change.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.