The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to advance a War Powers resolution, and a handful of Republicans voted with Democrats on the measure.

The War Powers resolution, which was introduced and passed by the Democratic-controlled House earlier this year, would limit President Donald Trump’s ability to use military action against Iran without approval from Congress.


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The vote was bipartisan, 51-45, with eight Republicans voting with Democrats.

As noted by The Daily Caller, below are the eight Republicans:

1. Utah Sen. Mike Lee

2. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul

3. Maine Sen. Susan Collins

4. Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander

5. Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy

6. Kansas Sen. Jerry Moran

7. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski

8. Indiana Sen. Todd Young.

“We should not be at war with Iran unless Congress votes to authorize such a war,” Virginia Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine, who introduced the resolution said, according to CNN.

Kaine added: “While the President does and must always have the ability to defend the United States from imminent attack, the executive power to initiate war stops there. An offensive war requires a congressional debate and vote. This should not be a controversial proposition.”

The resolution will more than likely be vetoed by the president.

Democrats continue to look for ways to restrict Trump’s role as commander-in-chief after he approved a decisive airstrike last month that killed Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani.

Soleimani played a critical role in killing thousands of American soldiers and innocent civilians over the years.

Soon after the airstrike, Democrats and their allies in the media immediately sided with Iran and claimed the president didn’t have the legal authority to “approve” the airstrike.

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Beyond that, this is the latest pathetic example of how far Democrats will go to obstruct the president.

And it’s even worse that these 8 Republicans would join Democrats and vote against the president.
