A pair of GOP senators are demanding some answers from the U.S. Secret Service following a report published on Friday involving presidential son Hunter Biden.

In what appears to be just the latest scandal engulfing the first family, compliments of Hunter, Politico reported that his sister-in-law, with whom he was having a romantic relationship at the time, seized a handgun from his pickup truck, took it to a dumpster behind a local upscale grocery store, and proceeded to chuck the gun inside.

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Later, after telling Hunter what she had tone, Hallie Biden went back to retrieve the .38 revolver on Hunter’s instructions but it wasn’t there. Turns out that a man who frequently digs rummages through the trash bin found the gun and turned it over to the grocer.

At some point, the Politico report notes, Secret Service agents stationed in Wilmington, Del., where Biden, the then-ex-VP lives, visited the gun store where Hunter bought the weapon and asked for the sales paperwork. Fearing the agents were simply going to take the paperwork and memory hole it, he refused to give it up; later, agents from the ATF showed up to inspect the sales records.

But what was the Secret Service doing getting involved in what appeared to be a lover’s spat, especially since Joe Biden was not under protection by the agency at the time? Why would the agents attempt to confiscate the gun sales record?

That’s what Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) would like to know.

The New York Post reports:

Republican senators are demanding answers from the US Secret Service, the FBI and the ATF after reports this week about a 2018 incident involving a gun belonging to first son Hunter Biden.

The Secret Service publicly denied taking any role in attempting to find the missing gun or asking a gun shop to hand over Firearms Transaction Record papers for the gun, on which Hunter allegedly lied about his drug use, which would be a crime.

“In light of the recent press report, please provide all records relating to your agency’s involvement in the alleged October 2018 incident with respect to Hunter Biden’s firearm no later than April 8, 2021,” they wrote to Secret Service Director James Murray.

Continuing, they wrote that, according to the Politico report, “a ‘law enforcement official’ claimed that Secret Service agents in Delaware ‘kept an informal hand in maintaining the former vice president’s security.’ If true, USSS must explain to Congress why such informal actions were taken and whether they were necessary in light of the circumstances.”

The Secret Service has pushed back following the report, claiming that the agency has no knowledge of any of its agents visiting a gun store where Hunter made his purchase. But Hunter’s own texts indicate otherwise;

“Hunter Biden sent a text message that said the Secret Service responded after his handgun disappeared in 2018 — contradicting the agency’s assertion that it wasn’t involved,” the New York Post reported separately.

“She stole the gun out of my trunk lock box and threw it in a garbage can full to the top at Jansens [sic]. Then told me it was my problem to deal with,” Hunter wrote about Hallie Biden, the widow of his brother Beau Biden, whom he was dating at the time.

“Then when the police the FBI the secret service came on the scene she said she took it from me because she was scared I would harm myself due to my drug and alcohol problem and our volatile relationship and that she was afraid for the kids,” the January 29, 2019 message read.

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There there is the issue of Hunter appearing to lie on the form that must be filled out in order to purchase a gun. He responded ‘no’ to the statement on “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” — but he was discharged from the U.S. Naval Reserve after failing a drug test.

Lying on the firearms form is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. We won’t hold our breath.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.