How is it that Left-wing lunatics can take to Twitter all day long, every day, and threaten people – including police officers – but conservatives get banned simply for speaking truths about society, culture, and politics?

That’s a great question, especially for Jack Dorsey, founder, and CEO of the platform. Just don’t expect an answer.

And while you’re at it, you should not expect the platform to take any action against Black Lives Matter activist and pretend person of color Shaun King for threatening to dox all Kenosha police officers and expose them to harassment and even physical harm if the department does not identify the officer who shot Jacob Blake on Sunday.

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King sent out his threatening tweet late Tuesday as two rioters were being shot and killed in Kenosha and a third wounded by a young man who has since been apprehended.

“To the Kenosha Police Department, if you do not name the officer who brutally shot Jacob Blake on Sunday, we will simply begin naming officers from your department who may or may not be him,” King tweeted to his 1.1 million followers. “F*** it. Your protection of his identity is unethical. What’s his name?”

The Daily Wire has more:

A police officer shot Blake, a black man, several times on [Sunday] while police were attempting to arrest him. Video of the arrest shows Blake struggling with officers outside on the passenger side of his SUV, which held Blake’s three children. Officers attempted to use a stun gun on Blake, according to Blake’s attorney, before Blake walked to the driver’s side front door of the vehicle. Blake was leaning inside the vehicle when an officer shot him potentially as many as eight times.

The Kenosha Police Department has released very few details about the officer involved in the incident, except to say that the officer has been suspended while an investigation takes place in line with police department policy.

Blake is recovering from the shooting in a hospital. His attorney has said that at least one of the bullets severed Blake’s spinal cord and that the 29-year-old has little chance of walking again.

Mind you, none of the three officers who were on the scene during the incident have been charged with a crime. Also, the video of the incident that went viral online clearly shows Blake ignoring officers who have guns trained on him. Plus, the Daily Mail unearthed a second video that appears to show Blake on the ground tussling with two officers right before he was shot. 

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In addition, there hasn’t been a determination by the Wisconsin Department of Justice – which is investigating, as it should – as to who was at fault, what the facts are, and what, if anything, officers could have or should have done differently. There also isn’t a smidge of evidence suggesting that the police officer is racist and that he shot Blake just because he’s black.

But none of that matters to King. Out goes his irresponsible tweet and threat, and of course, Twitter hasn’t done ‘jack’ about it (and likely won’t).

If you haven’t figured out that we’re losing our country to Marxists and anarchists, start connecting some dots. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.