The garbage Washington press corps will never mention it these days, but it’s worth remembering that when President Obama was still in office, there were all kinds of violent riots, looting, and protests over alleged ‘systemic racism’ involving police and black suspects.

Obama’s politicized Justice Department would exploit every single incident as a means of imposing Left-wing ‘criminal justice reforms’ on local police departments over imagined incidents of racism.

Despite the protests and the rioting, things never got that far out of hand – beyond the normal, that is.

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That has changed in the era of President Donald Trump. 

Demonstrating and protesting has become terrorism, as evidenced by instance after instance of ‘peaceful protesters’ lobbing explosives at police and federal agents as well as using lasers to permanently blind officers.

Now, Seattle Police have made a discovery that should shock every American, regardless of party, who is concerned about returning our country to some semblance of normal.

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KING5 reports:

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best announced the department is launching a “serious” criminal investigation into the use of improvised explosives and other devices against officers and property during Saturday’s protest that was declared a riot by police.

The protest on July 25 remained peaceful for most of the afternoon until about a dozen people set fire to portable trailers and other equipment at a construction site next to the King County Youth Service Center, police said. 

During a news conference Wednesday, Chief Best joined by Mayor Jenny Durkan, said several items were seized from a van that was following closely behind the destructive group and people were seen pulling things out of it.

From the van, detectives recovered items like baseball bats, improvised shields, pyrotechnic explosives, bear spray, pepper spray, stun guns and improvised spike strips designed to disable bicycle officers. 

“I see no reason why someone would need to arm themselves with these at a peaceful protest,” said Sgt. Detective James Lee, who accompanied Chief Best and Mayor Durkan at the press conference.

In all, 59 officers were injured in last weekend’s protest.

Meanwhile, the ‘peaceful protesters’ are also passing out AR-15s too, even to goofballs like this guy, who has no idea how one functions.

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At the same time, the Marxist ‘revolutionaries’ on the Seattle City Council voted last week to deprive police officers of their means of defense to disperse riotous, numerically superior crowds: No more tear gas or pepper balls; just clubs and helmets and guts.

“Acts of destruction, violence and hateful speech, none of that gets us where we need to be, it’s not just a distraction, it undermines the central message and the actions we want to take as a city,” Durkan said.

Yes, well, recall she was the idiot who claimed after anarchists took over a police precinct and declared an autonomous ‘CHOP’ zone that Seattle was about to witness a “summer of love.”

We have a choice this election, folks: More of the same or some law and order, the latter of which is what President Trump and Republicans are offering. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.