There has been another death thanks to the ongoing violence and rioting in Democrat-controlled cities, this time in Portland – and quite frankly, we’re surprised death hasn’t occurred on the streets of this riotous city that serves as the de facto capital of Antifa sooner, and in greater numbers.

An apparent supporter of the Patriot Prayer group, who may have been in the city for a pro-Trump/pro-police rally held earlier in the day, was gunned down and killed in front of several witnesses Saturday night – in the middle of downtown. 

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We can’t post the shocking footage, but you can see it here.

The New York Post has additional details:

Shocking video captured the moment a man in a right-wing Patriot Prayer cap was shot dead in Portland after a day of violent clashes between President Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter protesters.

Videographer Justin Dunlap was filming live late Saturday, casually noting new artwork on buildings as most of the day’s violence appeared to have ended when he suddenly turned toward shouting.

Two gunshots then rang out, a cloud of smoke appearing to show the gunman standing just a few feet in front of his target.

As a group of about a half-dozen shouted and fled, one of the other men started walking away — collapsing on the ground after a few steps, a panicked driver skidding to a halt just feet in front of him.

This, a day after Portland’s worthless mayor, Ted Wheeler, once again turned down President Trump’s offer of federal assistance to help him get control over his increasingly lawless city.

“On behalf of the City of Portland: No thanks,” Wheeler wrote in an open letter Friday. “We don’t need your politics of division and demagoguery.

“Portlanders are onto you. We have already seen your reckless disregard for human life in your bumbling response to the COVID pandemic. And we know you’ve reached the conclusion that images of violence or vandalism are your only ticket to reelection.”

In fact, President Trump isn’t engaging in any ‘division’ or ‘demagoguery’ – he’s simply offering assistance to the people of Portland who, the last time we checked, are still American citizens.

As of this writing, the victim has not been publicly identified. But he is just the latest in a string of casualties and deaths resulting from a summer’s worth of ‘protests’ that have long since stopped being about George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Remember him? We do. But we doubt many of the anarchists currently burning and looting Democrat-run cities do.

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Still, there are people in Portland who have had enough, and one of them is Chief Chuck Lovell of the Portland Police Bureau. In an early-morning statement, he said “this violence is completely unacceptable and we are working diligently to find and apprehend the individual or individuals responsible.”

Now, if anyone can get the Marxists at the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office to prosecute the perp when he/she is apprehended, that would be just grand. 

Don’t expect this to be the last casualty in this ongoing, escalating conflict as our cold civil war turns hot.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.