In a bombshell of a statement, attorney Sidney Powell suggested that at least three top Obama regime figures could soon be in serious legal jeopardy. 

Powell, who is currently representing former national security adviser and retired Army general Michael Flynn – who was set up by the FBI – predicted that John Brennan, James Comey and Andrew McCabe may have indictments in their future. 

Following the release of the long-awaited DOJ Inspector General’s report which provided damning evidence that high-ranking officials relied on the debunked dossier of slimy British spook Christopher Steel to defraud the secret court, the next phase is coming. 

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According to Powell, the ongoing investigation into the origins of the Russia hoax by Attorney General William Barr and prosecutor John Durham could result in the trio facing charges and the very real possibility of jail time. 

The crusading attorney made her comments during a round table discussion on the podcast The War Room.

Via The War Room:

On Episode 69 of War Room: Impeachment Stephen K. Bannon, Jason Miller, and Raheem Kassam were joined by Gen. Mike Flynn‘s attorney Sidney Powell, who noted she believes U.S. attorney John Durham’s upcoming report will indict multiple individuals.

Miller asked the attorney: “What do you want to see out of this Durham report that’s coming up next?”

“I’ve never heard of a U.S. attorney doing a report,” Powell responded. “I think [Durham is] going to indict people That’s what U.S. attorney’s do.”

“That is huge,” Miller emphasized.

Bannon inquired: “You’re saying that certain people like Brennan, Comey, and McCabe and these guys should lawyer up?”

“I imagine they already have,” Powell said. “If they haven’t, they are even dumber than they look.”

The podcast can be listened to HERE

The Horowitz report is so bad that not even the crooked media has been able to cover it up – at least not completely – and contained multiple “missteps” by the FBI including the deliberate alteration of exonerating material by one of the Bureau’s attorneys. 

Via The Washington Examiner, “DOJ inspector general finds 17 ‘significant errors or omissions’ in Carter Page FISA applications”:

The inspector general “identified at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the Carter Page FISA applications and many errors in the Woods Procedures” which guide the FBI’s FISA process, according to the 476-page report.

“These errors and omissions resulted from case agents providing wrong or incomplete information to the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence and failing to flag important issues for discussion,” Horowitz said.

Horowitz’s team examined the FISA application and three renewals beginning in October 2016 to surveil Page. The applications relied on the unverified dossier compiled by Steele, who was hired by opposition research firm Fusion GPS and funded by Democrats.

The 412 pages of redacted FISA documents released in 2018 show the DOJ and the FBI made extensive use of Steele’s unverified dossier, which he put together in 2016 at the behest of Fusion GPS. The Clinton campaign hired the firm through Marc Elias of the Perkins Coie law firm and was briefed about Steele’s findings throughout the race.

The DOJ inspector general said when he launched the investigation last year at the behest of then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions he would “examine the Justice Department’s and the FBI’s compliance with legal requirements” related to FISA filings against Page and review the DOJ’s and the FBI’s dealings with Steele.

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But both Barr and Durham disputed some of Horowitz’s findings including that the initial opening of Opening Crossfire Hurricane was not based on “political bias” although during his Senate testimony last week he admitted that then things became more murky. 

The IG’s scope was limited and he was constantly thwarted by the media, Democrats and the Obama loyalists embedded in the bureaucracy but there are no such limitations on Durham and Barr. 

Lock them up! Lock them all up!
