One of the people not completely broken up by the death of Michael Reinoehl, the man suspected of gunning down a Patriot Prayer member in Portland last weekend, is his estranged sister, April.

In an interview with the UK’s Daily Mail, April even said she felt “relieved” after learning that U.S. Marshal’s shot and killed her Antifa-loving brother Thursday afternoon in Lacey, Wash., as officers closed in to arrest him for the murder of Aaron “Jay” Danielson on a downtown Portland street.


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“I wouldn’t say at this point that this counts as bad news. It’s just more news,” April Reinoehl told the outlet.

“Honestly I didn’t expect it to be the police, I expected it to be the people who had a contract out for him. I was expecting the angry population of people who were out for blood,” she said.

She also believes that her brother’s death will simply spawn more violence and more killing.

“Now we’ve got two martyrs. That’s how the two opposing sides are going to want to spin it,” April said, in a reference to Danielson.

“Hatred begets hatred. Anybody who saw him, in their eyes, standing up for the plight of the black people, being killed by a police officer, this is going to validate their feelings in their minds of all the anger that they have – whether or not it’s correct or righteous,” she said.

April, who was estranged from her brother, also said Michael tended to be an “impulsive” man who let his “worst emotions guide his actions,” April said he would then try to rationalize them after the fact.

But she also said she never believed he would go down without fighting, which appears to have been the case.

“So I’m not surprised he got himself killed. I’m surprised a police officer did it,” she told the Daily Mail. “I’m relieved and also disappointed by that.”

“At least it wasn’t vigilante justice that got him, because I think that would actually be worse. It would feed the violence a lot more,” she speculated.

“But at the same time, the nationwide dispute is very highly black people versus officers, and now you have a member of Antifa killed by an officer. So I can imagine things are going to get worse again,” April continued.

It appears that Michael wasn’t a very nice guy to his family, either.

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For instance, April says that he was verbally abusive to their mother, who suffers from dementia, and that he was caught in a “downward spiral” after he failed at becoming a pro snowboarder.

“He said, ‘I’ll look after the property and take care of mom, you should leave,’” April explained. “This is the same guy who only ever talks to her when he wants something from her, makes her cry if she can’t give it to him by guilting her, shaming her. Every kind of bullying and abusive tactic he could think of, that’s what he would do with her.”

Reports said he fired at federal officers with a military-style rifle before four of them put several rounds in him.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.