Democrats claim they want unity, but now some are talking about jailing President Donald Trump. For reasons that do not make sense, apparently, liberals believe that’s the best way to unify the country and reach out to the more than 70 million Americans who voted for the president.

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District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine said city prosecutors could potentially charge President Trump under laws criminalizing statements “that clearly encourage, cajole” or otherwise “get people motivated to commit violence,” after the president’s supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol earlier this month.

“Let it be known that the office of attorney general has a potential charge that it may utilize,” Racine told MSNBC, claiming the president could face a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of six months in jail.

“It’s law in DC since 2011. It makes illegal the statements of individuals that clearly encourage, cajole, and otherwise, you know, get people motivated to commit violence,” he added.

“The federal charge carries far more jail time,” Racine said, adding that his office is “collaborating at a high level with the federal prosecutors.”

“(Trump’s) conduct prior to the mob storming the Capitol is relevant. I think his conduct during that time and immediately thereafter is also relevant,” he said.


President Trump was impeached by the U.S. House last week. Democrats charged him with “incitement of insurrection” over the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Ten Republicans fled Trump, joining Democrats who said he needed to be held accountable.

Now, Democrats are discussing pursuing conviction until after Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office so they can get whip the votes and convict Trump so that he can never run for office again.

Last week, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham warned the Republican Party against convicting Trump, especially after he already vacates the White House, claiming it would be “disastrous.”

“We impeach the president today without any evidence. It’s just sheer hatred. If this becomes the norm, be careful what you wish for today. Under this theory, the radical left — if you can impeach a president after they’re out of office, why don’t we impeach George Washington? He owned slaves. Where does this stop?” he said.

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He added: “So, to my Republican colleagues, let’s stand firm for the idea — whether you like Donald Trump or not, he’s not above the law.”

“Impeachment is political. What we’re doing here is we’re impeaching the president without any evidence, without any witnesses, and we’re going to have a trial after they are out of office. How do you survive as a president in the future? This will be an attack on the presidency in perpetuity. Should we impeach Barack Obama because, for 24 hours, he never lifted a finger to help those people under siege in Benghazi? Where does this stop?” he said.
