During his testimony on Wednesday morning, U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testified in front of the House Intelligence Committee in relation to the ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Around 11am during the hearing, Sondland dropped a bomb that completely destroyed the entire Democratic impeachment agenda when he said that military aid for Ukraine was not conditioned on investigations into the Bidens.

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“I’ve never heard from President Trump that the aid was conditioned on the investigations,” Sondland said.

Check out what Rep. Mark Meadows tweeted below:

Sondland wasn’t the only star impeachment witness to take a flamethrower to the Democrats’ allegations. On Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday, Kurt Volker destroyed the Democrat’s claims during his opening statement.

“At no time was I aware of or knowingly took part in an effort to urge Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden. As you know from the extensive real time documentation I have provided Vice President Biden was NOT a topic of our discussions,” Volker said.

Earlier in the day on Tuesday, anti-Trump Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman also testified and did more harm to the Democrats than he did to President Trump.

At one point, Vindman accidentally destroyed his own case when he admitted that the Ukrainian government felt no pressure from the Trump administration to investigate the Biden family.

The moment came when House Intelligence Committee counsel Daniel Goldman tried to get Vindman to say that Ukraine felt pressure from President Trump to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden. It backfired big time.

“Col. Vindman, you’ve said in your deposition that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the political benefits of the president’s demands. For those of us who are not rocket scientists, can you explain what you meant by that?” Goldman questioned.

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Vindman replied, “So my understanding is that it was — the connection to investigating to a political opponent was inappropriate and improper. I made that connection as soon as the president brought up the Biden investigation.”

Goldman followed up: “Col. Vindman, you testified that the president, President Trump’s request for a favor from President Zelensky would be considered as a demand to President Zelensky. After his call, did you ever hear from any Ukrainians, either in the United States or Ukraine about any pressure that they felt to do these investigations that President Trump demanded?”

Not that I can recall,” Vindman replied.

“Did you have any discussions with officials at the embassy here, the Ukrainian embassy here in Washington, DC?” Goldman questioned.

Vindman replied, “Yes, I did.”

“Did you discuss at all the demand for investigations with them?” Goldman asked.

“I did not,” Vindman said.

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