Former White House immigration adviser Stephen Miller says Joe Biden may be committing an “impeachable offense” by resettling large numbers of illegal immigrants in the country.

During an interview on Fox News, Miller and host Tucker Carlson spoke about Biden’s border crisis and its damage to the nation in just six months.

Below is a transcript of the exchange, via Grabien:

MILLER: “— perhaps in the history of the world, in terms of the number of illegal border crossers being resettled into the interior of our country in violation of plain law.”

CARLSON: “So there’s very little — I mean, you have an organization that is using the law to try and stop this. It’s happening in real-time, it’s been happening for six months without the knowledge of the 320 million American citizens whose country this is, but there is someone who can stop it, and that’s Greg Abbott, who’s the governor of Texas, who commands the Texas National Guard, and of course, it’s his border over which a lot of these people are coming. Why wouldn’t he shut the border tonight with Mexico and stop this?”

MILLER: “Well, I would argue that the appropriate constitutional remedy is Article IV, Section 4, which says that the government clearly has the obligation to protect any state in this country against invasion and domestic violence. It does not say that that has to be in the form of a nation-state actor. In other words, the Constitution doesn’t say it has to be a state-led invasion. It’s any large-scale, unwelcome, uninvited entry into a country. That, or into a state. That would provide the constitutional predicate for exactly what you’re describing. I would also suggest it would provide the constitutional predicate for the Supreme Court, if they had the moral courage, to strike down this entire scheme, which is a blatant violation of our entire constitutional Republican form of government. Let’s be very clear. When Joe Biden put his hand on the Bible and swore an oath to take care of the laws we faithfully executed, to uphold, protect, and defend the Constitution, to ensure a Republican form of government to every state, he has violated every single one of those commitments. I will also add this: If that’s not an impeachable offense, I can’t imagine what would be.”

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On Wednesday night, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott went scorched earth on Biden over his failure at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Abbott blamed Biden for “open borders” and ignoring a growing surge of deadly fentanyl at the southern border.

“The border patrol agents are doing their best but they’re being pushed towards the logistics of dealing with all the people they have to take care of, as opposed to deporting people. So now you have open of borders,” Paxton said.

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“You have the ability for the cartels to more easily transport drugs because the border agents aren’t able to focus on this. We are going to have more overdoses, more drug trafficking, and more sex trafficking in the United States, not just on the border,” he added.

“Its wide-open borders is the issue here and the fentanyl is coming through the border and of course the underlying chemicals of that fentanyl being made in China. So it’s the criminal cartels in China and Mexico as a result we’re seeing more than 90,000 deaths from overdose. Very, very sad situation,” he said.
