When Americans are asked about shootings and murder rates in U.S. cities, the one that likely comes to mind first for most people is Chicago.

There’s no doubt that the Windy City, portions of it anyway, are dangerous, out of control, and deadly.

But there’s actually another Midwestern city that has earned the grim title of “most deadly” when it comes to overall murder rates, and it’s located about four hours south: St. Louis.

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Elected as the city’s first black female mayor last month, Tishaura Jones campaigned on ‘criminal justice reform’ — a left-wing concept that has been come to be known as essentially ending enforcement of criminal activities that the left believes are ‘racist’ in nature because they seem somehow to involve more persons of color. To them, that’s not a cultural issue, it’s a ‘police’ issue. It’s ‘systemic racism.’

As such, the new leader of the city with the highest murder rate now wants to make St. Louis even less hospitable and more dangerous than it already is, per Fox News:

In St. Louis, Mo., the worst-in-country murder rate is at a 50-year high, the police department has nearly 100 unfilled jobs, and the mayor wants to defund the department and shut down a city jail. …

The head of the city’s corrections department is also on his way out. Jones announced his resignation last week, saying she hadn’t requested he step down but making clear she wasn’t satisfied with how he ran things.

Whatever the old administration was doing clearly wasn’t working – but it remains to be seen if police cuts are the answer.

We have already seen what does work: More police and full enforcement of existing laws, as well as proactive policing.

That’s what “America’s Mayor,” Rudy Giuliani, did in the 1990s, and his approach brought substantial, tangible, results: Crime fell, murders dropped to the lowest they had been in decades (in the country’s largest city, by the way), and New Yorkers were safe.

“St. Louis had 87 homicides per 100,000 residents in 2020, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the worst rate in the country,” Fox News added.

“It’s now at its highest rate in 50 years – even as the population has dwindled in that same time period.”

The population is dwindling, by the way, because the city isn’t safe anymore — or at least larger portions of it.

And it’s not safe because the left-wing Democrats who run it and other large American cities have adopted a distinctly anti-police, anti-law enforcement stance — which helps explain why St. Louis PD has so many job openings.

It’s the same everywhere else: Fewer Americans want to be cops because Democrat mayors and city councils are quick to throw them under the bus if someone with the wrong skin color — generally young black males — is killed by a cop, regardless of the reason.

Here’s a prediction: St. Louis’s new mayor, if she gets her way, is just going to make the situation in her city worse.

Which brings us to this question: Why do voters in these cities continue to elect people who do not have their interests and their safety uppermost in their minds?

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When policies kill, as Democrats’ ‘criminal justice reform’ policies do, it’s time to stop electing people who embrace them while expecting a different outcome in your city. That’s the textbook definition of insanity.

Beyond that, it’s past time to ask why smart people like Jones continue to push policies that are sure to cause more chaos in our cities because it sure seems like chaos is their objective. The question is…to what end?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.