When news broke that a retired St. Louis police captain was killed, a casualty of the senseless rioting and looting that came in the wake of the senseless killing of George Floyd, some people mourned.

Few on the Left did, mind you, because in this ‘defund the police’ lunacy atmosphere in which we currently find ourselves, any cop, current or former, who meets his or her demise ‘gets what’s coming to them’ for decades of “systemic racism” and “bigotry.”

And why? Because “Black Lives Matter,” not cop lives.

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But wait – what happens if the cop or ex-cop is black? Well, don’t you dare bring up anything that complicates the narrative like facts, you bigot you, and by the way, where do you live?

In any event, David Dorn, a black man who spent decades rising through the ranks of the St. Louis Police Department, was gunned down June 2 as riots and violence swept through parts of the city. 

And worse, as it turns out, the suspect who has been arrested and charged with his murder should never have been on the street in the first place, as FOX2 reports

The man charged with the murder of retired St. Louis police Captain David Dorn was previously convicted in St. Louis County in 2014 but never served a day in prison.

Stephan Cannon, 24, was sentenced to seven years for felony robbery but he got a break. Cannon got probation under what’s called a suspended execution of sentence (SES). Court records show Cannon then violated probation—twice—and got two more breaks. He never went to prison.

Cannon now faces a first-degree murder charge for killing Dorn…

“I am thankful the police department got on top of that and I would also like to thank, if there were any witnesses or anybody who stepped up to the plate, these are the things that we need and I’m thankful for that,” officer Robert Howard told the station upon hearing about the arrest of Cannon. 

“Captain Dorn was amongst other police officers that I had an opportunity to run into before even getting the opportunity to work in law enforcement,” Howard said, recalling the day 20 years ago when he met Dorn. “Those were the individuals I looked up to. They wore the uniform with pride.”

“It was just an aura that he had,” Moline Acres Officer Derrick Sutton added, who worked under Dorn for five years when the latter was chief of that department.

“When you went to work, you wanted to do more than just your job, and I imagine that’s with most officers, but with Dorn it was like, ‘I want to do my job. I want to do more than my job,’” he said.

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And now Dorn, a black man, is dead, allegedly at the hands of another black man who shouldn’t have been on the streets in the first place.

No protests. No rioting. No demonstrations. No call for ‘criminal justice.’ No ‘Black Lives Matter’ activism. No liberal entertainment types clamoring for ‘change.’ 

Nothing for Capt. Dorn from the charlatans and anarchists on the Left. Because his black life didn’t matter to them. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.