Well, that’s embarrassing.

Political observers on the Left and Right have commented that there isn’t much enthusiasm surrounding hapless Joe Biden’s Democratic presidential campaign. It’s low energy. The candidate himself is of questionable mental status. He picked Sen. Kamala Harris, a black woman from California who couldn’t secure more of the African American vote than three other rivals for the nomination (including Biden, who is an out-and-out racist). Biden’s own running mate, President Barack Obama, waited months to endorse him. 

Oh, and did we mention the campaign is low-energy?

Well, all of these factors and more have contributed to a ratings disaster, with viewership of the Democratic National Convention is already down by nearly one-third over the 2015 campaign on the second night of the event, most of which is being held virtually.

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Variety reports:

The first night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), which saw Michelle Obama deliver a rousing speech to steal the show, drew a total of around 18.7 million viewers across all the cable and broadcast networks. That represents roughly a 27% dip from day one of the 2016 convention, which totaled 25.7 million pairs of eyeballs.

While that total number is likely to grow once every network that Nielsen includes in its final count is added in, the chances it surpasses the tally from last convention, or even the 26.2 million and 22.3 million who tune in to the previous two before that, are pretty slim.

MSNBC scored the largest audience on the night in the 10 p.m. to 11:15 p.m. window with 5.1 million viewers (which is actually an increase from the 4.6 million it drew in the same time period four years ago), followed closely by CNN with just under 4.8 million viewers (down over a million on 2016). Fox News’ coverage of proceedings drew 2.1 million viewers, which represents a 1.2 million viewer drop from the previous convention.

All of this makes sense, including the Fox News viewership drop-off (since most people who watch Fox are conservative). 

How, you ask?

Because the truth-tellers on the Left knew months ago that Biden’s presidential bid would be a snoozer.

In March, in a fit of honestly, CNN commentator Van Jones said Biden’s campaign looked like a “dead man walking.”

“The problem that you have … is that there’s a weakness in the Biden campaign that is obvious,” Jones argued. “It’s not just a weakness of the candidate. People will say, ‘Oh, he’s maybe a little bit slower, little bit this, little bit that.’ No, the problem is a former vice president, two-term vice president, Obama’s guy, should be just sucking in money. He’s broke,” Jones said. 

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“That shows a lack of enthusiasm not just at the grassroots level, where he needed that, but also at the top. And so it’s very, very hard to understand the rationale in the Biden candidacy as a campaign. He doesn’t have the grassroots enthusiasm. He’s not filling stadiums like Bernie Sanders. He’s not vacuuming in money from the top. He doesn’t have a grassroots operation. So, it’s just felt like a dead man walking campaign for a long time.”

Maybe some Dems are thinking there’s still time to revive Bernie Sanders’ campaign? He can’t get elected, but hey, at least he created some enthusiasm among the party’s base.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.