A victory for the sexual revolution and degenerates alike, about 600 public schools in Chicago will now offer condoms to students from fifth grade and up. That is, children as young as 10 years old will be able to access them. The measure is causing discomfort among parents, considering it a hasty alternative not only because of the young age, but also because of the deficient sex education available in the institutions. Serious question, why do 10-year-olds need condoms?

The Chicago Public School Board (CPS) of Education, calls it the “Condom Availability Program.” It was approved in 2020 but had not been put into practice because not all schools had started in-person classes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

But according to the CPS, the time has come. At the end of August, she will distribute the condoms, a measure that will be accompanied by products for menstruation. “They’re doing things the other way around,” Maria Serrano, mother of a sophomore, told the Chicago Sun-Times.

‘Oh my God, how is it that CPS wants to give condoms to kids?’ They are 10 years old, 11, 12,” said the mom, continuing “They are kids. So why is CPS thinking about providing condoms? Why not provide them information, and at the end give them the resource of a condom when they’re prepared to use those resources they want to provide. For me, this isn’t the best option. They are doing things backwards.”

Healing to Action, an independent organization, sought data to challenge the CPS decision. They found that since 2018, 70% of schools were not adequately implementing existing sex education requirements. The body in charge of supervising public schools does not provide parents with tools to discuss the issue with their children. With the new resolution, teachers will only have to complete 90 minutes of training for a four-year certificate.

“Giving condoms to 10-year-olds who are not psychologically equipped to consent to sex- is perverse. Showing them how they are used is abusive. Parents send their children to school to be enriched, not harmed. Kids deserve far better…” said the President of the Live Action Organization, Lila Rose, in a tweet.

Certainly, America is going through a progressive wave that has used sexuality to gain adherents. “Woke-ness” has infiltrated the military, youth sports, various media, and big brands. Now Chicago introduces sexualization in schools, even though it has not been able to comply with regular education programs.

To start the program, elementary schools will receive 250 condoms. High schools will receive 1000; all for free. If completed, school administrators can request more from CPS or the Chicago Department of Public Health, Fox 32 said.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.