Sen. Ted Cruz did not mince words on Saturday when he addressed voters in Georgia ahead of two crucial run-offs Jan. 5 that will decide whether the GOP retains control of the Senate, which will be vital if we are to stave off the worst Marxist/socialist policies of the likely Joe Biden puppet regime.

“We are fighting together to defend the nation we love,” the Texas Republican said in Savannah on Saturday. “Let me tell you what we also need to do. It is time to end voter fraud. It is time to expose voter fraud. It is time to take anyone who was involved in voter fraud and prosecute them and put them in jail.

“Our democracy matters. Our Constitution matters. Our Bill of Rights matters. America matters. And the state of Georgia will rise to defend the United States of America,” he noted further.

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“The people of Georgia believe in common-sense conservative values,” Cruz said at another event. “People of Georgia want lower taxes, less regulations, and a lot more jobs. They don’t want to see socialism come to this country.”

The Epoch Times adds:

Cruz was in Georgia to rally support for Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, who are vying for two Senate seats against Democratic challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.

In the runoff election, control of the Senate is at stake. Republicans currently hold a 50-48 edge in the chamber.

Earlier in the month, Cruz suggested to the Supreme Court that it take up a case filed by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) and other Republicans that Pennsylvania unlawfully changed its ballot-integrity laws before the court announced it would not grant them a request for injunctive relief. Kelly has since said he would file an appeal.

“I’m disappointed the Court decided not to hear the case challenging the election results in PA,” Cruz said in a statement following the Supreme Court’s horrible, cowardly decision. “This appeal filed raised important & serious legal issues, & I believe the Court had a responsibility to ensure our elections follow the law & the Constitution.”

Yes, well, disappointment is certainly one word to describe how President Trump’s supporters feel. There are a lot of other words that come to mind – like anger, disillusionment, disgust, and frustration.

Anyone with a functional brain stem knows that Joe Biden and his basement campaign did not entice 81 million Americans – a record in a presidential race – to vote for him. No way in Hades that happened.

But because the manner in which the vote theft occurred was so underhanded and difficult to trace, there is no way that the Trump campaign will ever be able to prove it short of getting sworn testimony from the people who actually programmed the software used by the voting machines in the swing states.

The statistical anomalies associated with Biden’s ‘win’ are too odd and, frankly, impossible to explain away, such as the fact that Trump won 18 of 19 bellwether counties and that Republicans down-ballot and in states outperformed Democrats (who votes GOP for state and federal rep but Democrat for president?).

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So, Cruz is right, of course: The lawbreaking, if it occurred, has to be prosecuted. But then, we’ve been saying for years that the people behind the Trump-Russia collusion hoax and illegally spying on his 2016 campaign should be indicted, too – and that’s never happened.

Prediction: Our country cannot long survive if our governing institutions no longer function as designed.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.