The Left is now so woke even taking advantage of taxpayer-supported police protection is some sort of racial thing that only the ‘privileged’ can enjoy. Or something like that.

In an interview with Alisyn Camarota on CNN’s “New Day” on Monday, fellow Left-wing lunatic and Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender defended her and her colleagues’ decision to get rid of the city’s entire police force instead of reform it following the death of George Floyd.

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“I think in Minneapolis, watching George Floyd’s death, and the actions of the four police officers that were involved has been a huge wake-up call for so many in Minneapolis to see what many already knew, which is that our police department is not keeping every member of our community safe. And so I think step one for us is to tell the truth. Nine council members from communities all across the city of all different backgrounds, standing together, to tell the truth, and say, this system isn’t working for too many of our neighbors for too long,” Bender said, according to Breitbart News.

“And so I think the wake-up of our community is what’s driving the city council’s announcement yesterday. And now the hard work begins for us to rebuild systems that really work to keep all of our communities safe,” Bender continued.

Camarota countered, “But to be clear, you’re not talking about reform. The word dismantle is intentionally different than reform. This is more than reform. This is dismantling. I mean, activists who support this are calling this a police-free future.”

“Yeah, and you know, a lot of us were asked if we could manage a future without police back in 2017 when we were running for office, and I answered yes to that question,” Bender said. “To me, that future is a long way away, and it would take an enormous amount of investment in things that we know work to keep people safe.”

Uh, okay. But, Camarota presses, “What if, in the middle of the night, my home is broken into? Who do I call?”

“Yes, I mean, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors, and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege,” Bender actually said. 

‘Privilege.’ To be able to call police.

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“Because for those of us for whom the system is working, I think we need to step back and imagine what it would feel like to already live in that reality where calling the police may mean more harm is done,” she added.

First and foremost, the vast majority of civilian interactions with police are tame, uneventful, and result in no violence. It’s only when people think they can put their hands on officers or worse, try to shoot them, that things can get…violent.

And let’s be clear, what happened to George Floyd should not have happened. What’s also true, however – based on sound evidence and research – is that what happened to Floyd is so rare in a country of nearly 329 million people such incidents barely register in terms of percentages.

In any event, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) ripped Bender’s ‘privilege’ comment. 

If you live in Minneapolis, you may want to start considering another place for you and your ‘privilege’ to live.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.