Following weeks of state-mandated ‘stay-at-home’ orders and closures of “non-essential” businesses as a means of containing the spread of coronavirus, more than 22 million Americans have had to file first-time unemployment claims.

It’s hard to believe that in the span of about five weeks, we went from historically low levels of unemployment for all Americans to nearly 18 percent unemployment, but that’s what happens when coronavirus death models are incredibly wrong and the ‘mainstream media’ over-hypes the a pandemic.

Nevertheless, the time is nearing when several states are going to ‘allow’ businesses and industries to reopen, and they’re going to need workers. That includes the information technology (IT) industry.

But for some reason, there is a push to give many, if not most, of those jobs to foreign workers — a concept that makes no sense whatsoever to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

During an interview Tuesday with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Cruz made it clear that any jobs should go to Americans first.

“[W]hy, when you have the highest unemployment rate in our lifetime…would you allow companies to import IT workers from foreign countries to take middle-class or upper-middle-class jobs? That seems insane to me,” the host asked Cruz.

“I agree with you. I don’t think it makes sense. We have 22 million Americans who have filed for unemployment in the last four weeks,” the Texas Republican said.

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“The whole purpose of legal immigration, it’s supposed to benefit the economy. When you have 22 million Americans out of work. They need to get the jobs. We don’t need to be bringing in a million-plus workers when 22 million Americans are out of work,” he added.

For his part, earlier, Carlson criticized President Trump’s temporary immigration ban during the ongoing coronavirus emergency because it doesn’t prevent the importation of cheap foreign labor, Summit News reported.

“The ban will apply only to individuals seeking permanent residency in this country — in other words, people who like the United States enough to stay permanently, and would like green cards to be able to do it legally,” Carlson said. “But the ban will not apply to those entering the United States on a temporary basis. That means it will not affect guest workers. That’s an awful lot of exceptions.

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“Employers want to hire workers for less than Americans make — these visas let them do it,” added the Fox News host. “And now they’ll continue to do it, at a time when more than 22 million Americans have just filed for unemployment,” he continued.

“You may have just lost your job but you’ll be happy to know that Accenture can still import IT workers from Asia who will work for less than you once made. So if the point of this executive order was to protect American jobs, maybe there was another point, but if it was to protect American jobs, it failed,” Carlson said

The Center for Immigration Studies head Mark Krikorian said the executive order is “nonsense” and “unbelievable.

“Suppose they gave an immigration moratorium and nobody was kept out?” Krikorian said.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.