A prominent Republican lawmaker is sounding the alarm about the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz appeared on Fox News to slam Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for refusing to visit America’s southern border because they want to cover up just how bad the crisis is down there.

“Look, the message has gone out our southern border is open, and anyone who wants to do harm, that’s a natural path to come in,” Cruz said.

“And you know, I found it curious that Kamala in that press conference said we’re enforcing our laws when they’re not. They are letting people go. It’s a giant turnstile where they’re letting them go. You are just showing now footage of the wall. They halted the construction of the wall, and they had these huge holes where they won’t put in the gates. They just leave it open,” he added.

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“And let me step back for a second,” he continued.

“There is a reason Kamala Harris doesn’t want to go to the border. There’s a reason Joe Biden doesn’t want to go to the border. Because they know that if they go, the reporters will follow them, the TV cameras will follow them. Their strategy is simple. It’s trying to cover this up,” he said.

“You know, you are airing this on Fox, and I’m grateful that you are, but you know where they aren’t airing this?” he added.

He concluded: “On CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC. None of the corrupt corporate media is even acknowledging this exists. And that’s why Kamala and Joe are not going to the border, because they know if they go, it will drive the coverage, and they don’t have a solution to this crisis, so they are prepared for it to just get worse and worse and worse.”


The number of people attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border from countries beyond Mexico and Central America’s Northern Triangle is surging.

According to a new report, a shopping 33,000 migrants have flocked to the U.S. border from Haiti, Cuba, Romania, and India.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection flagged more than 173,000 encounters with migrants at the nation’s southern border in April, up from just over 17,000 last year and 109,000 in 2019.

More than 33,000 of those migrants came from outside El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico.

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According to an in-depth report by Axios, approximately 30 percent of all family members who crossed the border in April came from less-typical countries of origin, such as India and Romania, and the influx could mark the beginning of “a more permanent shift in U.S. border migration.”

Last week, Texas Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar said his own community is sick of Joe Biden’s inaction at the border.

“So they have to show that they can, one, stop some of the flow from coming in, because if we look at the root problems, to address the root problems, corruption, crime and all that, that’s going to take years in many ways. But we still have to show — we have to show a way that we can slow down the number of people coming in from Central America,” he added.

“If we don’t do this, I can tell you that the areas that I represent, the border communities, they’re frustrated. I’m telling you, they are frustrated. There are pull factors and push factors that we need to address as soon as possible,” he continued.
