If there’s two things that Democrats love in this world, it’s abortion and Planned Parenthood. All Democrats, including Virginia Gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, want women to be able to abort their babies where-ever they want and WHENEVER they want.

That is why he is currently panicking. When asked about a potential loss on November 2nd to Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin, the only thing McAuliffe could think about is women aborting their babies.

“I’ve spent most of this campaign, if you look at my advertising, what I say on the trail, there’s huge differences, Kate, in this campaign. I’m for raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks and for paid family medical leave. I’m for paid sick leave. Glenn Youngkin is against every one of those. He wants to ban abortions. He got caught on tape saying he will go on offense to ban abortion and defund Planned Parenthood. And Kate, now, after what we’ve seen in Texas with the Trump Supreme Court, if Glenn Youngkin is elected governor, abortions will cease here in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Women’s right to choose will be gone. That’s what I talk about every single day,” he told fake news CNN.

Watch below:

The abortion-happy McAuliffe has good reason to panic. Take a look at this recent Fox News interview with lifelong Democrats who are changing their votes to “REPUBLICAN” in this upcoming election:

What is your reaction to McAuliffe’s obsession with abortion? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump