The Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, just locked up another participant in voter fraud, catching her in and getting her convicted of 26 charges. Reporting on that, his office released a statement saying:

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced his office’s latest election integrity prosecution in Victoria County. Monica Mendez of Port Lavaca pleaded guilty to 26 felony counts of voter fraud, including three counts of illegal voting, eight counts of election fraud, seven counts of assisting a voter to submit a ballot by mail, and eight counts of unlawful possession of a mail ballot.

That’s just the most recent case that Paxton has handled regarding voter fraud and those who engaged in it during the highly contested recent election. One of the highest-profile cases happened in January of 2021, when Paxton caught a “mule” who had been exposed by Project Veritas and prosecuted her.

In that case, a Texas woman, Rachel Rodriguez, was just arrested on voter fraud charges after being seen engaging in ballot harvesting in video footage released by Project Veritas in the fall of 2020.

Because of her involvement in that activity, Rodriguez has been charged with illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot.

Under the Texas Election Code, each of those charges that Rodriguez is facing constitutes a felony and so, if convicted of the counts, she could be locked away in prison for 20 years.

Before making the arrest, the Election Fraud Division of the Office of the Attorney General reviewed the hours upon hours of raw, unedited footage that was used by Project Veritas in exposing Rodriguez for ballot harvesting.

Shockingly, Rodriguez even admitted to the crimes on video, acknowledging her guilt in the situation.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton commented on the case and the charges the woman is facing, saying:

Many continue to claim that there’s no such thing as election fraud. We’ve always known that such a claim is false and misleading, and today we have additional hard evidence.

“This is a victory for election integrity and a strong signal that anyone who attempts to defraud the people of Texas, deprive them of their vote, or undermine the integrity of elections will be brought to justice.

“The shocking and blatantly illegal action documented by Project Veritas demonstrates a form of election fraud my office continually investigates and prosecutes. I am fiercely committed to ensuring the voting process is secure and fair throughout the state, and my office is prepared to assist any Texas county in combating this insidious, un-American form of fraud.

Paxton’s office, in a statement released on the arrest and what Rodriguez is being charged with, left the door open on the idea that more people could have been involved, saying:

This investigation is ongoing. Individuals involved in or with knowledge of this organized vote harvesting scheme are encouraged to come forward and cooperate with the Office of the Attorney General.

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List
