Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said on Monday evening that New York prosecutors are only going after the Trump Organization because it’s all about political attacks on Republicans.

“They’ll just keep digging and trying to ruin their lives because they disagree with them politically, and that is so sad to me,” Paxton said during an interview on Newsmax. “That type of action is taking place in this country, but that seems to be the direction of Progressive Democrats, and unfortunately, sometimes even Republicans. It is not the right direction for the country.”

Paxton said in the case of the Trump Organization, “is there a way to go to a grand jury and get probable cause? Probably but that doesn’t mean they’ve committed a crime. And it just is sad to me that they try to destroy people today because they disagree with him politically, and it’s happening not just to Donald Trump, but it’s happening all over the country.”

He argued that it discourages “good people who are law-abiding citizens from wanting to run for office because they feel like they’ll be convicted of something somewhere down the line by somebody because they are disagreed with on their political views.”

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A personal attorney for The Trump Organization has indicated that Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance will not be filing criminal charges against the organization in regards to allegations of “hush money” payments and real estate value manipulations, Politico reported.

Ronald Fischetti, a New York attorney who represents the former president, said on Monday that in a meeting last week, he asked Vance’s team for details on charges they were considering.

According to Fischetti, members of Vance’s team said they were considering bringing charges against the Trump Organization and its individual employees related to alleged failures to pay taxes on corporate benefits and perks.

“We asked, ‘Is there anything else?’” he said to POLITICO. “They said, ‘No.’”

“It’s crazy that that’s all they had,” he said.

The attorney also said that there will be no charges against Donald Trump himself when the indictments happen.

“They just said, ‘When this indictment comes down, he won’t be charged. Our investigation is ongoing,’” Fischeti said.

“It’s like the Shakespeare play Much Ado About Nothing,” he said. “This is so small that I can’t believe I’m going to have to try a case like this.”

This came after a weekend where it was indicated that charges were forthcoming against the organization.

The case involves fringe benefits that were given to a top executive at The Trump Organization, The New York Times reported.

If the case moves ahead, the district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., could announce charges against the Trump Organization and the executive, Allen H. Weisselberg, as soon as next week, the people said.

The criminal charges would be the first to emerge from Mr. Vance’s long-running investigation into Mr. Trump and his business dealings, and raise the startling prospect of a former president having to defend the company he founded and has run for decades.

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Prosecutors are looking into whether those benefits were properly recorded in the company’s ledgers and whether taxes were paid on them, The New York Times has reported.
