Every now and then mainstream media types try to return to their roots and commit random acts of journalism, suddenly transforming themselves into the most serious people on the planet.

And during those moments when they’re not being taken as seriously as they believe they should be taken, they get angry, agitated, frustrated.

That happened a lot during President Donald Trump’s first four years in office because he simply refused to take them seriously – at all. And why would he? The mainstream media reported fake news, innuendo, propaganda, and outright lies as real, even when they (and Trump) knew it wasn’t real.

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Now, suddenly, it appears as though there may be a new president in the offing. And lo and behold, he’s from ‘their’ Democratic Party. Surely this new guy, Joe Biden, who they helped cover for over most of the election cycle as his mental capacities dwindled and he huddled in his basement instead of campaigned would be more than willing to speak to them, right?


It’s looking like Biden and his people are being just as cagey and vague as they were during the campaign, when they refused to answer pointed questions about fundamentally altering our form of government like, ‘Will you pack the Supreme Court with leftists?’

Fox News has more

The Biden transition team faced no questions from journalists about Hunter Biden in its weekly briefing Friday, and it allowed only a limited number of reporters to speak. 

Biden officials called on five reporters in Friday’s Zoom briefing, from the New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, PBS and Politico, and ignored questions from Fox News and others. 

Toward the end of the brief questioning, other reporters grew frustrated and started using Zoom’s “chat” function to pressure Biden officials to provide more access.

“Hey guys, there are tons of folks looking to ask questions and since this is being done once a week, could we PLEASE go longer or at least hold more frequent briefings,” Sam Stein from The Daily Beast wrote in the chat. 

“Any chance you can take a few more questions? There are a lot of folks here with questions,” Zeke Miller from The Associated Press added. 

“Is there a point in saying we want to ask questions if you only call on the same small group every week?” said White House reporter Andrew Feinberg.

Answer: Nope.

Mind you, this sticking to the friendliest of friendly media comes after the Biden transition team dropped a bombshell last week and released a statement from Hunter Biden announcing he is under federal investigation.

“I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs,” Hunter Biden said in a statement. “I take this matter very seriously but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors.”

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And so, this is the new media landscape the Biden-Harris administration will entertain: Brief media encounters with outlets who are not going to ask tough questions the American people will want answers to, and there isn’t going to be any discussion about it.

Got it.

Like our government institutions, our media industry is also non-functional, i.e. worthless.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.