San Francisco was truly one of the greatest of all American cities, but it’s past its prime now and that’s all on the Democratic Party.

Left-wing sycophants and lunatics who raise political pandering and identity politics to insane levels have made it nearly impossible for police to enforce laws while at the same time creating conditions that have lead to dramatic increases in homelessness, filth, and crime, lowering the quality of life so much in the city that, according to a survey by the city’s Chamber of Commerce, 70% of residents have noticed.

What has changed dramatically, in addition to streets filled with feces and urine, are brazen daytime crimes like robbery. The theft is so brazen and so common, in fact, that chain retailers are closing locations all over the city because they can get anyone to do anything about the thievery.

Breitbart News reports:

The crime wave in San Francisco, California, continues as police presence dwindles and thieves brazenly loot stores, causing Target properties in the Bay Area to announce they are cutting hours to reduce losses.

According to ABC7, so many Walgreens stores are being hit the retailer is closing them as fast as possible while reducing hours in other locations:

The company says that for more than a month their stores have experienced an alarming rise in theft and security incidents.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed says cutting hours is not the answer.

“We need to make sure when these crimes occur that there is an accountability component. When police make an arrest which they have – which you saw on the news with the guy on the bike and arrest has been made. Will they be held accountable for what they did?” said Mayor Breed.

Well, gosh, not so far, mayor. And you can blame your party for that; the left-wing DA, Chesa Boudin, has all but declared he’s not going to prosecute a whole host of crimes because ‘racism’ or something like that.

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, research shows San Fran has the lowest arrest rate of any police department in California.

“That answer does speak to staffing. I mean it’s direct and this is not an excuse, this is a reality,” San Francisco Police Chief William Scott said. “In order for us to be at these locations when these things happen, the officers have to have time to be there.”

“In 1994, voters passed Proposition D, which mandated that there be 1,971 full duty officers,” ABC7 reported. “San Francisco has never reached that goal.”

On his The First TV program earlier this week, host Bill O’Reilly lamented the decline of San Francisco which, he said, pains him because of what the city used to be.

He went on to cite recent stats from a local Chamber of Commerce survey of about 520 people, most of whom said they are looking to get out of the city as soon as possible.

“They’re worried ’cause they’re not booking conventions, people are leaving, their tax base is crumbling, crime is everywhere, the homeless are taking over,” O’Reilly said.

Forty-four percent said they want to leave the city, he added, citing the results.




Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.