Columnist for ‘The Nation” Katha Pollitt posted a bizarre article where she defended former Vice President and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden against the serious sexual assault accusation he is facing from his former staffer Tara Reade, stating that she “would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them.”

Pollitt made it clear that she really doesn’t care about women who were sexually assaulted and/or raped considering she made it clear that she would vote for Biden even if he had raped Reade. “Fortunately, I don’t have to sacrifice morality to political necessity,” she explained.

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The Daily Caller reported:

Reade has accused Biden of kissing her, touching her, and penetrating her without her consent in 1993 when she worked for him as a senate staffer in Washington, D.C. Biden has repeatedly denied these allegations.

The Nation writer listed several examples of horrible things that the former vice president could do that would not prevent her from voting for him and voting for President Donald Trump — including eating boiled babies.

“I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them,” Pollitt wrote. “He wasn’t my candidate, but taking back the White House is that important. Four more years of Trump will replace what remains of our democracy with unchecked rule by kleptocrats, fascists, religious fanatics, gun nuts, and know-nothings.”

In the past, Biden has told voters to vote for him or vote based off of whether or not they believe Reade.

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“Well, I think they should vote their heart and if they believe Tara Reade, they probably shouldn’t vote for me,” Biden said last week. “I wouldn’t vote for me if I believed Tara Reade.”

Pollitt tried arguing that it was okay for Biden to get away with rape allegations because President Trump had them as well: “Will Trump say the same about the 25 women who accused him?” she asked.

“Whether or not you believe Tara Reade—and I’m betting that the case for believing her is going to get weaker rather than stronger as the weeks go by—you should vote for Joe Biden if he is the nominee,” Pollitt said.

“Were they hypocrites? I doubt that was the only time Americans have had to swallow their pride and support a politician who, whatever his faults, served their interests,” she said.

“Whether or not you feel in your bones that Tara Reade is telling the truth, the evidence is just not there,” she concluded. “We do not have the luxury of sitting out the election to feel morally pure or send a message about sexual assault and #BelieveWomen. That will not help women at all. Or anyone else.”

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