The push from Democrats for a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour just took a stunning turn.

After House Democrats passed a bill last month to raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hr (Republicans won’t put to a vote in Senate), one member of “The Squad” now doesn’t think that goes far enough.



Rep. Rashida Tlaib, one of the four Democratic lawmakers in “The Squad” — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar — is calling for a 33 percent increase on top of that.

“Big fights like this one, $15. When we started it, it should have been $15,” Tlaib said. “Now I think it should be $20 … It should be $20 an hour. $18-20 an hour.”

She claims it’s because of the higher cost of “a lot of things.”

At $15 per hour, it would greatly harm businesses across the country who can’t afford to keep as many employees.

If Democrats get their way — which is probably a $20/hr minimum wage in the near future — no one would be able to afford anything because millions of jobs would be lost as employers would be unable to pay the higher wage.

And those who can afford that would probably look into ways to automate more positions, which would eliminate those jobs from actual Americans.

Tlaib and her “Squad” clearly haven’t done their homework on this issue.

Or, if they did, they are misleading the American people about the devastating effects of this policy just so they can push their liberal talking points.

Earlier this month, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said a federal minimum wage hike of $15 an hour would cost 1.3 million jobs nationwide, and possibly lead to as many as 3.7 million jobs lost.

This, the office found, would lead to a $9 billion drop in “real income” by 2025.

Consider that: the Democrats’ signature policy proposal to raise the federal minimum wage would cost roughly 1.3 million jobs nationwide.

That was the “soft” estimate.

The CBO states that the upper estimate reveals that 3.7 million jobs could be lost and taken from Americans if Democrats get their way and raise the national minimum wage to $15/hr.

The nonpartisan agency also predicted a $9 billion drop in “real income” by 2025, which would mainly result in small businesses taking a hit on their income as well as price increases for goods and services across the economy.

Tlaib has been pushing for this policy for quite sometime — and she has been using some radical actions to make her point.

In 2018, the congresswoman was arrested during a protest in support of a national fast food workers walkout to demand a $15 per hour minimum wage.

“These corporations are making billions off of our blood and sweat,” then-candidate Tlaib said. “That’s the most American thing you can do today: to push back, because they are pushing our children into poverty, because we deserve better.”

This policy would kill millions of jobs and harm countless businesses across the country.

But that hasn’t stopped the progressive lawmakers from demanding it.
