So much of what the ‘mainstream media’ focuses on in Washington, D.C., is political minutia that, boiled down to its bare bones, is essentially meaningless to the average American.

Few Americans really care whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sends out another juvenile tweet; whether Nancy Pelosi is offended, again, by something President Trump said or did; or whether a politician is offended by the desire of many to ditch these stupid, and worthless, masks.

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But that’s the kind of thing ‘the media’ mostly focus on, which in turn really just creates more bad behavior as the clowns in the clown show try to out-clown each other.

Really important things – like, say, the deep state working with the Obama regime to depose a duly elected president – get no attention from the perfumed, blow-dried princes and princesses of the Washington press corps. 

Never mind that such a brazen act of sedition, where it to actually succeed, would immediately transform the United States into the biggest, best-armed banana republic in the history of the planet. Our elections would, from that day forth, be pointless exercises of political theater, designed to give an appearance of ‘representative democracy,’ but only insofar as people really believe there are ‘free and fair elections’ in places like North Korea, Cuba, and China.

Well, one such act nearly did succeed, and because of that, our country is in a true-blue, bona fide constitutional crisis because, as of yet, no one who had a hand in the plot has been arrested and charged, much less convicted. But that’s not due to a dearth of evidence, as President Trump himself has pointed out this week, it’s from a dearth of will.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), laid out this crisis in an op-ed published Thursday in the Wall Street Journal. He warns that “time may be running out to expose the effort to overthrow Trump, which began before his election.”

Overthrow is a word that should never be used in association with an American president. Ever. Like, literally, never. But were we to have still been blessed with a ‘free and fair press’ of the sort envisioned by our founders, never would those two ideals even be considered in the same breath, let alone in used in the same sentence.

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Johnson, one of the few lawmakers in Congress who have tirelessly pursued the details of this Obama-era disgrace, writes:

The U.S. is in a constitutional crisis. It began on the day of President Trump’s election, when unelected bureaucrats mobilized against his presidency. This is a crisis in the executive branch, perpetrated by subordinate officials who don’t see themselves as answerable to the president. They have effectively established a fourth branch of government—a permanent, unaccountable bureaucracy.

Johnson goes on to recount the litany of examples proving the claim: A coup was attempted.

“Between those examples of mutiny against the president, corrupt actors within the Federal Bureau of Investigation—and apparently, based on recent disclosures, other parts of the intelligence community—used their power to sabotage the administration,” Johnson said. “Their actions can only be described as an attempted coup—as the Ukraine whistleblower’s attorney, Mark Zaid, did in a Jan. 30, 2017, tweet: ‘#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately.'”

How insightful for Zaid, huh? Look how right he proved to be! How could he have known…?

More from Johnson: 

Here’s what we know so far: On July 5, 2016, then-FBI Director James Comey overstepped his authority and publicly exonerated Hillary Clinton while criticizing her conduct. The same day in London, the FBI met with Christopher Steele, author of the now-debunked anti-Trump dossier.

U.S. intelligence agencies received reporting that Russians believed Hillary Clinton approved a plan on July 26, 2016, to “stir up a scandal” by tying Trump to the Russian hacking of a Democratic National Committee email server. Then-CIA Director John Brennan later briefed President Obama about this reporting. Also on July 26, a “friendly foreign government” gave the chargé d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy in London information that George Papadopoulos “suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion” that Russia might release information damaging to the Clinton campaign, according to a December report from the Justice Department’s inspector general.

At that time, according to public reports, Gina Haspel, now CIA director, was the agency’s chief of station in London. On July 31, 2016, the FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane, its intelligence probe into the Trump campaign, based on the Papadopolous information.

The FBI received Mr. Steele’s initial reports on July 5, 2016. The bureau soon became aware the Steele dossier was opposition research compiled and paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign. By October 2016, the FBI was aware that one of Mr. Steele’s subsources worked for Russian intelligence services. In December 2016, the FBI learned that Mr. Steele’s primary subsource was someone it had investigated in 2009 as a suspected Russian asset.

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In January 2017, the FBI interviewed the primary subsource, who described his reporting as the kind of conversation you’d have “with friends over beers.” Around that same time, the FBI received intelligence reporting that the Steele dossier contained Russian disinformation. Yet in March 2018, the FBI briefed the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that information in the Steele dossier was reliable.

The Wisconsin Republican closes with, “We have reached the moment of truth. For years, our efforts to obtain documents and testimony from federal intelligence agencies, including the FBI and CIA, have been stonewalled. Now Mr. Trump has authorized his subordinates to declassify and provide all information relevant to our investigations. Will they comply with his directive, or will the insurrection continue?”

And he asks: “[W]hat is the greater threat to our democracy—transparency, or the continued coverup of an attempted coup against the duly elected president?”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.