Despite the fact that no American alive today – or for more than a century – has owned slaves, or that any black person alive today – or for more than a century – has been a slave, black leaders continue to guilt-shame white liberals into thinking they must ‘pay up’ in the form of ‘reparations.’

Well, one city in North Carolina has finally caved to the reparations scammers – sort of.

As reported by CBS News:

Officials in the North Carolina city of Asheville have apologized for its historic role in slavery and discrimination and voted to provide reparations. The Asheville Citizen-Times reports that a unanimous vote was taken by the City Council on Tuesday.

The resolution on reparations does not require direct payments but will mandate investments in areas where Black residents face disparities. The Citizen-Times reported the vote came just days after the county’s health board declared racism a public health crisis and last month, thousands of protesters called for the Asheville Police Department to be defunded. 

Have you got that? Not only are whites responsible for a black “public health crisis,” but Asheville appears to be on the road to paying out untold amounts of money to “black communities” while summarily endangering any progress in those communities by making them less safe and more vulnerable to crime.

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“Hundreds of years of black blood spilled that basically fills the cup we drink from today,” said Councilman Keith Young, one of two Black council members and the measure’s chief proponent.

“It is simply not enough to remove statues. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature,” he added.

What a load of, well, you know what.

This is nothing but gaming the victimhood system, period. The fact is, as civil rights leader and author Shelby Steele (pictured, above) noted in a recent interview with conservative talker Mark Levin, black people in America have never been less oppressed.

In rejecting the fabricated narrative of “systemic racism,” Steele told Levin last month:

Society is responsible for us, because racism is so systemic. Well, that’s a corruption, and I know it’s a corruption, because the truth of the matter is blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today. Opportunity is around every corner. In all of this, no one ever stops to say, well, you’re unhappy with where minorities are at in American life, and blacks continue to be at the bottom of most socioeconomic measures. You’re unhappy about that. Well, why don’t you take some responsibility for that? Why don’t you take more responsibility?

I would be happy to look at all the usual bad guys, the police and so forth, if we had the nerve, the courage to look at black people. To look at black Americans, minority Americans, and say, you’re not carrying your own weight.

That is essentially what former NBA great Charles Barkley said in a moment of clarity in 2014.

In explaining why he believes most blacks will never be successful, Barkley dropped some truth bombs of his own. Here’s a summary:

— “As I tell my white friends, we as black people [are] never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you’re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life, from other black people. It’s a dirty dark secret and I’m glad it’s coming out.”

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— “When young black kids do well in school, the loser’s kid tell them, ‘Oh you’re acting white’ … One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole because of other black people … For some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough.”

— “We’re the only ethnic group to say, ‘Hey if you go to jail, it gives you street cred. That’s just typical B.S. that goes on when you’re black, man.”

The city of Asheville and its residents can do what they want with their tax dollars and contributions. But to insinuate that somehow, black people “owed” anything is ridiculous. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.