Former Senator Claire McCaskill confirmed on Sunday that her party is plagued with old minds, and for the first time, her assertion was precise.

In a discussion on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” McCaskill said that the democratic party is suffering because of the numerous lawmakers who should already be retired. She also agreed that this would make the democrats suffer significant losses this election period as no one wants to vote for a name that is too old to take helpful actions.

She said, “All of our leadership — and I say this as somebody who’s ancient — you know, a lot of old folks are running the Democratic Party now in every part of the Democratic Party,”

Furthermore, the former senator added that the only thing that can benefit her party might be new faces and relatively younger people and minds capable of leading America to greatness in a way none of the current democrat politicians can.

McCaskill said, “I think the Democratic Party will benefit from really doing some navel-gazing about how can we get more young people to the forefront because young people are going to be really important to us in 2024.”

These remarks by the former senator come after a poll was revealed on Thursday, which found that more people would like to have new politicians that will actually be useful for the nation. This poll released by CBS News showed that over 70% of the surveyed people support having an age limit for politicians elected into office. 40% of the respondents were okay with an age limit of 70, and only about 18% believed that all politicians younger than 80 deserve a chance to run for office.

If the results from this poll, which show the people’s feelings, should be regarded as the standard, the current President of the United States does not deserve another chance to run for office. Joe Biden, who is already 79, is old enough to be in a retirement home, which explains why he is constantly on vacation as the state affairs are too much for him to handle.

If the President does not have selfish reasons, he should not consider getting reelected as the President of the United States because he knows he is not fit enough to handle the office. That is clear, seeing how he has not been able to accomplish anything worthwhile in this current administration.

Americans have also continually expressed concerns about Biden’s mental health since he became the President after watching him for a while. This led Republican lawmakers to jointly write a letter demanding that Biden takes a cognitive exam to put these concerns to rest if he truly is healthy enough to be the President.

These lawmakers, headed by Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician, wrote, “While you underwent your annual physical exam on November 19, 2021, you either did not face a cognitive test or those results were withheld from the public.”

The letter added, “White House Physician Kevin O’Connor, D.O., attested to you being ‘fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency’ in a very superficial, and purely physical manner; however, we are worried about your mental abilities.”

If Biden truly cared about the nation the way he claims, he would not be running for elections again. However, we all know that Biden does not care if the crisis worsens in America or if illegal immigrants keep finding their way to the country. He wants unlimited opportunities to go on all-expense paid trips with taxpayers’ money and remain in power, knowing fully well that he is exactly what America does not need.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.